Cop Shoots Young Girl for No Reason


ninjzz3.0's picture

Pantysoaker or Auto must have captioned the video...

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danmanjones's picture

Man there's gotta be a better tool than a fucking handgun for this situation.

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phanto's picture

I think you are talking about a Taser. The problem is that these work only about 50% of the time and the cop was alone. In the 50% of times the Taser is ineffective the cop has to transition to a pistol while being way too close to a knife wielding attacker to be able to do it safely in time.


Had the cop not been alone the taser could have been an option with one cop using the taser while the other covering him with a pistol. If anything should be looked for to improve the outcome of similar upcoming situations is the reason why the cop was sent alone to deal with a potential knife-wielding person to begin with. Maybe it's a policy that needs to be changed. Or it's an unfortunate consequence of budget and manpower issues.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

or mabye u shouldnt charge a person with a gun while holding a knife

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danmanjones's picture

I was thinking about beanbag rounds. They're fun. There are a bunch of non-lethal ways to subdue a young woman with a knife. Even a taser is a bit overkill but a much better option than a gun. The hospital bill probably came to 50g. That money could be spend on the mental help she needs.

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phanto's picture

But once again you have the problem of the cop being alone with his beanbag shotgun who will have no time to transition for his pistol if the beanbags are ineffective and the lady decides to charge. I think having only one cop to respond to a possible mentally unstable person with a knife is what greatly limits the options available.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

hit the leg first maybe before the chest

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phanto's picture

Anyone who had to shoot at a moving target under stress will tell you how absurd it is to expect your average cop to shoot at specific body parts first.

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stokkebye's picture

As much as I hate cops and all, there is a reason they unload entire mags into people, its hard to aim in a dynamic situation with two people moving around and shit. Trying to aim for the leg gives the person a chance to gain distance and stab your ass. Pistol bullets do not stop people like they do in the movies, a person can get shot multiple times, still be standing and still able to fight. What if you miss? Which is likely. If its my life or thiers and I am being threatened, im taking them down and I wont be thinking about shooting in the legs first.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

i did say maybe lads jeez..

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stokkebye's picture

This is a suicide by cop, or at least attempted. Shouldnt mock someone in that state. Its fucking sad man, for the woman and the cop. 

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