"COPS" I Eat Ass sticker. Stupid fucking pigs


daftcunt's picture
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In case other don't want to listen to this idiot narrating here is a news article.

Raw video of the incident:




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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I eat horses so why not a donkey?

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thegent's picture
Discord user

so is it illegal? was he ok to pull him over for that legally i mean?

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stokkebye's picture

Yes and No, Yes there is a statute that legislators passed that gives the cop the authority to do this, BUT, the statute is unconstitutional and needs to be challenged in court and ruled to be so. That is why the prosecutor dropped the charges, ALSO, because he dropped the charges this will NOT go to court to have a chance at being ruled unconstitutional. There are a lot of unconstitutional statutes that never get challenged because the DA drops the charges, allowing citizens to be harassed by the police at their will. It is a big problem. It costs a lot of money to challenge a statute and most of the time no one bothers unless they get charged and are facing a trial, then they bring it up. There was a guy in New york that gave a cop the middle finger and was pepper sprayed and arrested, charges were dropped, he had to hire an attorney to sue and won, now it is ruled protected free speech. A guy in Texas was arrested for filming cops and charges were dropped, the guy sued and won, now it is a protected activity to film the police in public. There are plenty of times people were arrested for the same activities and never challenged it because they didnt have the resources and the charges were dropped. 


Hell, Im going through similar shit right now, I was accused of a crime, proved the cops lied in court, was acquitted of all my charges and the State still took my truck under civil asset forfeiture laws, almost 3 years ago now. 2 months ago I was contacted by the ninth largest law firm in the world and they want to represent me and use my case to prove civil asset forfeiture laws are unconstitutional. Its a hard fight but they want to do it and they have the resources to do it. The cost of my truck is what they fucking charge per hour. I gave up on ever seeing my truck again till they called. And I bet they'll win. They just got the default judgment vacated a couple of weeks ago.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

didnt realise that..bit messy really..so what about these lawyers..you will have to pay them? i thought they would just get you some cash or something for your trouble and take a cut? or thats not how such cases work?

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stokkebye's picture

No I wont have to pay them, every lawyer registered with the BAR has to take a certain amount of pro bono work and this lawfirm took on my case. This isnt about making money, they are trying to get the law ruled unconstitutional, my guess is they are trying to do this becuase the government goes after their clients for offshore accounts and tax reasons. It doesnt look good when they try to get a law ruled unconstitutional when their clients are mega rich tax cheats and whatnot, so they take on cases like mine. You're thining of ambulance chasers getting a cut of insurance money type lawyers, these guys dont fuck around with shit like that, their revenue last year was 3.7 Billion USD. This is one of their skyscrapers in London: Image result for london kirkland and ellis

Im just an expendable pawn in thier game, by hey, if I can get my truck back and/or a few bucks, Im happy.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

ahh the gherkin..well looks like youll win that one..

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Fullauto223cal's picture

At least the District Attorney isn't a piece of shit and understands the law.

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