Pride Gets Peaceful

Pantysoaker's picture

Pride Gets Peaceful

let me tell you something about you that you dont know!

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acdc51502112's picture

The left is fascist

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danmanjones's picture

gun girl is a dick

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acdc51502112's picture


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danmanjones's picture

She's at a party trying to be a buzz kill.

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acdc51502112's picture

holy shit "this is their place you abide by their rules" not by the rules of the state or the constitution? this is fascism.

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Lambus's picture

This cop is a complete idiot and an imbecil.


What a fucking incompetent pathological liar cop with absolutely zero knowledge of actual case laws.


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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

hes the police officer from YMCA

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Fullauto223cal's picture

If they have anymore complaints about her behavior she will be in trouble?  I'm sorry fuck face, you're a law enforcment officer.  Unless she is literally breaking the law, which pissing off degenerate leftists isn't that, then your ass doesn't have the authority to do shit.

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stokkebye's picture

Hey man, Im all about putting cops in check and defending our rights but they do have to keep the peace, even if she is not being aggressive she is disturbing them and he could have arrested her under Iowa's disorderly conduct statute: 4. Without lawful authority or color of authority, the person disturbs any lawful assembly or meeting of persons by conduct intended to disrupt the meeting or assembly. 

Yes, its a public place so she cant be trespassed, yes she is within her right to film under Freedom of the press. If she was filming anywhere else I'd be all about defending her but she is disturbing their assembly. You have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of hapinness as long as you dont infringe on any else's right to the same, here she is, and there is a statute she is in violation of.

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Fullauto223cal's picture



Casually asking people questions they don't like on camera is in no way shape or form "Disturbing a lawful assembly or meeting with conduct intended to disrupt the assembly or meeting."

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stokkebye's picture

Oh come on now, you of all people should know the cop has discretion and qualified immunity, he could arrest her and sure the charges would be dropped but as the old saying goes, you can beat the crime but you cant beat the ride. Happens ALL the time when a cop gets upset. Im not saying I agree with the statute, but it leaves a lot for interpretation, just another tool in hte toolbox for cops to use, right?

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danmanjones's picture

Funny the channel is called "Liberty Hangout" when what they're doing here is an attempt to shutdown exactly that. Hypocrites just looking to cash in on hate. Next.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Nice rack. Now let's move on. 

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stokkebye's picture

I wouldnt have a problem if she got beat up there, but that is what she was looking for. People just need to mind their own fucking business and leave others alone.

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username's picture


1. Americans are ugly, overweight slobs

2. The people of Gay Pride don't know when they're being trolled

3. The police are dickheads

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