But for daring to consider that sex differences in tech can be attributed to something other than a shadowy, amorphous figure named sexism, James was swiftly fired. Google’s CEO, in turn, claimed that James was a sexist, suggesting something he never wrote: that women possess “traits that make them biologically less suited” for tech. That was a lie. Here is the full Google memo: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3914586/Googles-Ideological-Echo-Chamber.pdf
(38 votes)
(Old Spike)
I was about to post this myself. I see the first obligatory 1 stars have been issued.
His memo is not sexist in anyway. Read the memo.
(Old Spike)
The alt-left sees what it wants to see. They're so obsessed with their own rigid and reality-denying ideology that they are now acting like a full on religious cult. How the left, and let's not pretend that 99% of the main stream corporate owned media is run by adherents of this cult, are treating this guy from Google is exactly how various religions have treated heretics throughout history.
(Old Spike)
And where did this cult come from? I mean, I had an alright education, but I'm still able to see every step that is wrong with this weird, previously only on college campus-behavior, which is now suddenly how they run the largest corporation in the world?
Is it the legal consequences of being labeled connected to anything that has to do with racism or sexism or gender clusterfuck that is doing it?
Is the labeling of a company in a world without context so damning that it can take down the big corporations like Google, Facebook, which makes them willing to make such drastic changes in order to ensure their future, just because of a tiny minority of groups related to hyperactive outrage are gaining the most attention?
And these guys, the socalled smartest people on the planet, are willing to give up not only context in political subjects, but also throw out scientifically proven facts and undeniable evidence of biology of genders in order to uphold some kind of mind cosplay which has only been accessible in video games and roleplay?
"I feel like being a girl today", is something I could say if I was creating a character in a fighting game. I would never even consider the thought that I would be able to demand my rights as a fictional character which is based entirely in my own imagination.
And the power... that Google has... They are the librarians of our entire library of history and knowledge, basically controlling our entire fucking reality, and they find themself worthy of changing the written scientifically proven facts of life because of the new generation of mal-educated and ignorant nothings can make a blog or a fucking facebook post in a fit of outrage that demands their annihilation because they accidentally offended them?
What the fuck is going on?
What the fuck?
What THEE fuck?
(Old Spike)
I saw them in the mid-90s talking about how they would infiltrate major institutions and subvert enlightenment values to inject authoritarian control wherever they could succeed at it. Those of us who were actually serious about our Journalism degree, which at that time were already sub-50% in terms of representation within the program, laughed at them and dismissed them as having no possible chance of succeeding in the professional. This was a serious error made by naive people like me who thought it was beyond obvious that fascism and the values of Western society, including free speech, freedom of the press, and individual rights, can't mix.
One classmate who advocated the imprisonment, re-education and, if necessary, termination of people who do not support their views on gender and homosexuality became a television news reporter at CBC. Another Marxist Feminist activist outside the program who advocated the forced sterilization of males who refuse to conform to her ideology now runs a women's shelter in Hamilton. No one took them seriously because we underestimated the awareness and education of the population at large. And now we're here - I think we've gone beyond the point of no return, sorry to say.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Speaking of Google being "the librarians of our entire library of history"...
(Short Spike)
"The National Union Party was the temporary name used by the Republican Party for the national ticket in the 1864 presidential election, held during the Civil War. State Republican parties, for the most part, did not change their name.
The temporary name was used to attract War Democrats and Border State Unionists who would not vote for the Republican Party. The party nominated incumbent President Abraham Lincoln and Democrat Andrew Johnson, who were elected in an electoral landslide."
It merged fully into the indelible title - republican party, after it was disolved in 1868. It also states that it was lead by Lincoln. At least that's what I got from the wiki page and not from a civil war history book.
(Long Spike)
Google is a company that runs itself however the fuck it wants. Nobody goes up to your Right Wing hotdog stand and bitches about how you run your "company".
The Irony here is Right Wingers talk so much shit about how they want the government and other people to stay out of company business. Yet here they are crying endlessly.
(Old Spike)
"Google is a company that runs itself however the fuck it wants."
Funny how leftist like yourself are all about "companies doing what they want" when it comes to punishing heresy against leftist dogma, but turn the table and have it be a business owner refusing to sell their labor to a gay couple and suddenly "companies CANNOT do what they want".
The issue isn't about Google having the power to fire and hire whoever they like. The question isn't "Is Google allowed" but rather "should Google have done". Is the author of the paper correct in his claims, which we now know with 100% certainty that he absolutely is correct. Google is a leftist echo chamber just like he said it was.
We also know you are incapable or unwilling to address the crux of the matter, typical of someone on the alt-left.
(Long Spike)
"Funny how leftist like yourself are all about "companies doing what they want" when it comes to punishing heresy against leftist dogma, but turn the table and have it be a business owner refusing to sell their labor to a gay couple and suddenly "companies CANNOT do what they want"."
Agreed. Google should be able to fucking murder a 4-year-old with a spoon if they goddamn feel like it.
(Short Spike)
Or how about instead, Google could simply be held to account for upholding the fundamental human rights of its employees, along with whatever labor laws are applicable in its jurisdiction, just like any other employer. I somehow doubt it's legal to tell lies to slander and libel an employee, paint him as a monster simply for reporting the current scientific consensus, and whip up many of his coworkers into a paranoid frenzy by portraying him as a sociopath. Which is very precisely what Google management and other employees did to James, which is why he'll be suing them shortly.
Furthermore, as effective monopolies purveying a core public services, companies like Google and Facebook should be held to higher standards of conduct than normal companies where people have realistic means to not patronize them. A simple example is telecommunications companies that are regulated as common carriers, and thus unable to make certain kinds of discriminatory decisions about their willingness to do business, or violate their customer's privacy. Which could easily include YouTube not being allowed to censor content along ideological lines, just like the phone company can't forbid you to use the phone to promote a political party they don't like, because they are common carriers and people have no practical choice but to use their communications channels. And if that were to break Google's monopoly, then GOOD.
(Old Spike)
It is so funny how the far right and far left are willing to go just to not give the "opponent" any leeway or acknowledge that something is actually not ho it should be.
Purgetheflask, fullauto and baby dick are all the same sad little losers, just onthe opposite extreme of the political spectrum.
this is where extremism gets ya, warn your children not to become like you!
(Old Spike)
Yeah, we don't acknowledge that something is not how it should be, by asking the question, "what the fuck is going on?" and proceeding to discuss it at length.
I mean dude, that is literally what we did and here you are trying to shut us down by saying we're getting close to extremism and that our children's lives are at danger?
(Old Spike)
Oh, don't get me wrong, I do think google is wrong in having a sjw policy, so this post is more directly aimed at babydick but indirectly at you and fullauto because you do it in other submissions
(Old Spike)
Even if you agree with the bullshit Google preaches, you'd be pretty naive to think the methods it's using to enforce it on everyone won't eventually come back to get you too. The shit they've been doing lately is bad for everyone.
(Short Spike)
@Fullauto223cal I don't know what the alt-left is. I heard Trumporino say it, but it wasn't defined. this is what I understand how things fit so far
Alt-Right - neo-nazi, white supremecist, KKK, nationalist, fascist
The Left - Democrates, Antifa, BLM, Philosophy and Anthropology, socialist, marxist, communist, fascist, feminist, Hollywood and mainstream media, progressives
The Right - Conservative, republican, small government, less regulation, capitalism, 2nd amendment, individual freedom
let me know if I'm missing something or if anything is incorrect
(Old Spike)
you're lumping the extreme left in with the rest of the left. just as the neo-nazis aren't part of the regular right, blm aren't part of the regular left.
(Short Spike)
@sato Neo-nazi's don't claim to be regular right, they claim themselves to be Alt-Right. BLM is generally accepted as a leftist group. Their bigotry and anarchism puts them deeper on that side of the spectrum obv, but it's still just 'The Left'. This is mainly because most of not all of the other descriptors/labels I wrote in The Left catagory often publicly support and condone BLM's agenda and vice versa
(Old Spike)
Antifa & BLM are part of the Alt Left, if there is such a thing.
(Long Spike)
Add 'Capitalism' to the left. Move fascism to alt-right. Add a fourth gategory of 'far-left' and move antifa, BLM, communism under it and add 'anarchists' to it. Then you pretty much got it.
(Short Spike)
@Ozmen @danmanjones I don't think the lines are divided enough for there to be a 4th catagory, you might be thinking of centrist. I say that because I noticed that the 'far left' is widely supported by 'the left'. Conversely the Alt-right is not supported by the right. Btw I don't think it's a thing to be socialist/communist while simultaneously being capitalist
(Long Spike)
The regular right is pro guns, the alt right is pro guns. Therefore the regular right is for alt-right just as much as the regular left is for the far-left by being pro-trans and so on.
Also, socialism and capitalism go hand in hand like toothbrushes and toothpaste. One sorta works without the other but you need both to get the full effect. Just look at all the Nordic countries. Each one a social capitalistic republic.
(Old Spike)
LOL the "ALT" right is the approach to make the far right fashionable. I guess the ALT left is something similar but here to give the "notsofar" left an air of disgust?
All been invented by the far rightists so it is not surprising it does not make a lot of sense.
(Short Spike)
@daftcunt "All been invented by the far rightists" care to elaborate?
(Old Spike)
I NEVER heard the term before trump mentioned it, and later fox news I think. The left always thought it was fashionable to be a lefty or socialist so there is no need to freshen up their flair for them like the far right intends to do by using the "alt".
(Old Spike)
I never heard the term Alt-Right until it came out of Hillary Clinton's mouth during that awkward Alt-right speech. During the same speech she said that Pepe was a racist meme, which was also a first for me, as I had seen it being used by all races, totally unrelated to anything racial.
One of her supporters present at her speech even yelled out "Pepe!" because they recognized the meme.
But then she went on to explain this vast conspiracy of internet warriors that were sabotaging her campaign in favor of Trump with memes, and that it was being orchestrated by Putin himself.
(Long Spike)
PuffyMask said: "During the same speech she said that Pepe was a racist meme, which was also a first for me, as I had seen it being used by all races, totally unrelated to anything racial."
The following site is dated 09/28/16. When was Clinton's alt-right speech?
(Old Spike)
Her speech was in August, 2016. The month before.
But try to notice that I was talking about my own experience, saying "I never heard the term Alt-Right until it came out of Hillary Clinton's mouth during that awkward Alt-right speech"
I was not denying its existence before that.
I was trying to make the point that it was barely known to the public, as not even I, who roam the web at almost all times, hadn't even heard about it.
But I recently saw an interview with Richard Spencer from 2012 where he already had named a magazine "ALTERNATIVE RIGHT".
My second point is that by acknowledging the Alt-Right she gave them power.
Their popularity has steadily risen since her speech in August 2016 where it had its first significant peak according to Google's trend results:
I guess they were very active on Hillary's social media and in popular reddit threads about the election. But their impact until that point had been pretty insignificant.
I'm not saying that was exactly why they've become relevant in this election, but it is a factor that one must consider.
(Old Spike)
The Pepe meme was clearly not known for being racist among many people who were using it in its "vanilla" form and not edited to be obviously racist. There's several videos and articles about this.
(Short Spike)
@puttefnask The term 'alternative right' has been around for several years, according to wikipedia...
(Long Spike)
@nsmo, good catch. Apparently the term "alternative right" has been around since about 2006 and 2007, coined by Paul Gottfried. Here is an interview of him from 2007:
Looks like PuffyMask was speaking out of his ass.
(Short Spike)
(Old Spike)
Gottfried was something of a mentor to a young Dick Spencer as well.
(Old Spike)
Come on purgetheflask! Now youy are getting as rifdiculous as the pricktator!
(Long Spike)
Well that clears up some of it for me, because I have no freakin' idea between left or right as far as this stuff goes. But looking at the list, none of it looks all that appealing. Can't we have some sort of Middle where people who want everyone else to stop being jerks go?
(Short Spike)
Holy shit I left for a few years, come back and this site is suddenly filled with right wing sentiment. What the hell happened to the SpikedNation I knew?
(Short Spike)
(Site Administrator)
What do you mean "what happened?" what happened is people lke yourself just up and left. What do you expect to happen when quality contibutors just disappear?
(Short Spike)
I read the memo and while I see the point he is making I don't think it really matters all that much. In fact I would call this whole thing silly. There are hiring processes that are used to determine who the best fit for the job is. Why are we so focused on this shit in the first place?
If I was a business owner, I wouldn't give two shits what someone's gender, nationality, sexual preference, or religion was. If they come in to work and give 110% then great.
(Long Spike)
It's that easy...I don't understand what the hell this is all about either.
(Old Spike)
Unless you live in Canada or, soon, California in which case you would be forced to consider race, geneder and identity in just about every single administrative decision you make.
(Short Spike)
@juliettangoblarg2 Virtue Signal City