Brutal Canadian Protester

monkeymania's picture

Jason Kenney's 2019 Global Petroleum Show speech interrupted by protester

A protester who said he does not want the province of Alberta “to be polluted” stormed the stage at the 2019 Global Petroleum Show in Calgary. I don't know the situation, he may be absolutely right but there's too much money on the other side. Have a seat, stretch.

Average: 3.8 (9 votes)


GKhan's picture

That was awesome on so many levels.

1. He actually sounds like a somewhat intelligent guy and not just screaming idiot, shouting the same empty phrase over and over again.

2. 10 points for his resisting skills, my favourite moment was the leg hold on the stairs handrail

3. 5 more points for taking 3 cops to get him out of there

4. How he went on stage so casually and the hostess totally missed it


But at the end of the day, more entertainment than effective.

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monkeymania's picture

Agreed. Though a second look gives cause to increase his points for the leg hold on the railing. Nice move and well executed.

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edgeofthefreak's picture

The added "oh and this speaker monitor will do" was a nice touch after as well. Icing on the handrail cake.

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acdc51502112's picture

what the hell are you two on about? the dude just spewed insanity like he was 18 years old and was not articulate and flailed around like a fool too. Goes off about his buddy getting addicted to opiods lmao. He and his buddy probably wouldn't even have jobs if it wasn't for the oil industry, and our country is completely dependant on oil and chinese money to keep our economy together.

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monkeymania's picture

Yeah, actually fuck everything. It's really just about cash baby!

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GKhan's picture

We were comparing his performance to the average protester not how effective he was.

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acdc51502112's picture

oh compared to the average.....well....i can't really disagree there. I've seen some "interesting" "protests"

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