

stokkebye's picture

I once had a cop break his leg or sprain his ankle chasing me. I was about 17 or 18, 5 of us were walking up a flight of stairs carrying 30 packs of beer in each hand and the cops were walking up the other flight of stairs on the other side of the building going to to bust the party we were going to and we saw eachother at the other end of the building on the second floor. We dropped the beer and started booking it, problem was the only entrance was in the middle, we had to meet eachother to get out and I was the last one behind the rest. As we exited the building the first cop was right on my ass and if I had turned to run down the driveway like my friends I knew he would have been a ble to grab me, the driveway was a horseshoe shape with a flight of stairs in the middle going to the street. So I jumped down the flight of stairs and the cop jumped after me. I thought I was getting beat on at first and protected myself till I heard the cop crying like a little bitch and I saw him holding his leg, turns out he jumped on top of me and tried to wrestle/punch me till he realized his leg was fucked. I got up and ran and the fucker was still able to grab my backpack till I slipped out of it. Four other cops tried to chase me but gave up. I was in Track and Field, Wrestled and played Football, they weren't going to catch me, lol. I heard from friends that the cops were looking for me as they wanted to charge me with assault on an officer as he broke his leg, or so they say. LOL.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you take meds right?

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stokkebye's picture

Are you a cop or just a copsucker?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I heard many stories like that, if they would have caught you that could have costed you alot of money, here in Belgium you have to pay for the time they are off work, 2 friends of mine are still paying off a debt of about 65 thousand euro thats about 74.000 Dollar one for breaking a cops nose the other for an ankle that broke during a fight. They are not the brightest lights though, they are still serving time in the nut house.

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stokkebye's picture

Damn dude, that's fucked. Well to be fair it sounds like they fought with the cops, did they? I just ran. We dont have anything like that, we have restituion but I dont think they make you pay for time off of the police.

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