Girl Tries Tanker Job

monkeymania's picture

Russian tank crewman and his wife in T72 tank(Eng.sub.)

Russian tank crewman put his wife inside the tank after her constant questions "What do you really do on your job?" and accusations on cheating.

Average: 5 (19 votes)


skeptoid's picture

This is gold.

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monkeymania's picture

Her face when the automatic loader rams home the tank round really is priceless. I think her days of questioning her husband about his job are over.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Just proof that women are bitches regardless where they are from.

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bannik's picture
Discord user

Sounds like you have a story to tell... 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Seems you lost your edge, try harder next time.

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bannik's picture
Discord user

I dont get what you mean? are you ok brother? want to talk about it?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"I dont get what you mean?" Really? I'll explain, it appears:

  • You lost your wit.
  • Your comments reek of desperation.
  • Your trolling isn't any good.

Hence: Try harder......

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bannik's picture
Discord user

But I am not trolling nor have I ever been witty nor desperate, I am not understanding where all this hate is coming from? has someone online touched you? show me where...

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

No hate, for that I would have to take you seriously, just observation.


You were "douchebag of the year" once, now you are nowhere near past "performance"!

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bannik's picture
Discord user

oh... you are jealous you didnt have a cool badge like that.... I am sorry about that bro, listen its just a badge, it means nothing, I got it simply by asking a mod for one, no other reason, I think your jealousy of not having a badge is causing you to create an opinion on me that is fueling your anger, you shouldnt do that, its not a good way to live your life, just be kind brother, love each other.


If you are really so frustrated you can be my "douchebag of the year" forever XoXoXo

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Lambus's picture

After firing only one tank round, she absolutely refused to try to fire another round.

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monkeymania's picture

Funny with closed captioning on and she screams "Fuck off!" She's not into the whole tank thing.

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The Evil Bat's picture

Hang on......Just how exactly does this prove he's not cheating?

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Ziggy's picture

he drives a tank, he can say whatever he wants and no one will dare disagree.

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bannik's picture
Discord user

She most likely thought being in a tank isn’t an actual tough job so thought that every time he was out he was out fucking when in reality he is slowly falling into an abyss called madness and the tank shells are his release of the inevitable madness that will consume him in time

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sli0701948's picture

Awesome post. There's more! 


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