![Fullauto223cal's picture Fullauto223cal's picture](https://spikednation.com/sites/default/files/styles/user_avatar/public/user_images/picture-139-1500237103.jpg?itok=RLhEJ8Ei)
Does the left want more people to die? Because this is how you end up with more people dying. And I'm not talking about the "NAZIS" being targeted, I'm talking about the facist ANTIFA nutbags who decide to physically go after people for "wrong think" and end up dead when the so-called NAZIS decide to strike back in a deadly fasion.
(5 votes)
(Long Spike)
How many confirmed casualities from The Left in reference to this particular theme? I would love a real, whole number.
That being said, I was alarmed to see Redditors and other sites doing private eye detective stuff when the Boston Bombing happened. I remember seeing a series of images released that showed a guy running away from the blast and he had all these red circles on him along with potential names of who it may be and then two days later I read a random comments saying that guy was innocent. That kind of freaked me out because that *IS* a witch hunt. I understand that their intentions are golden, but as in this situation someone can be "ousted" and they're way off the mark.
There's a reason the KKK typically wears hoods.
Fine video, 4/5.
(Old Spike)
Yep, and there's a reason why extreme left fascists wear hoods as well.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
There's a reason the KKK typically wears hoods.
It is the same reason ANTIFA fucks wear hoods and masks. Both groups are criminal gangs that use violence and intimidation to silence their opposition.
And there you are sucking one group's dick, claiming you are not a cock sucker because you refuse to suck the other.
Where did your based Dad go wrong? Maybe one day when you're older and have more life experence you'll realize how retarded your position is.
(Old Spike)
There are already groups all over the nation that exist to stop the wanna-be NAZIS from taking over, they're called the cops.
Right now ANTIFA are playing right into the White Nationalist hands by turning them into victims and maryters. If shit really goes down and these larping wanna-be NAZIS decided to really go to work, ANTIFA doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell. You think one woman being run over is tragic, just look at what one BLM shooter in Dallas managed to do, and he was fighting the cops. A couple of wanna-be NAZIS decide to bring on serious firepower and it's going to be a massacare. ANTIFA are aren't stopping anything, they're throwing gas on kindling claiming it will prevent a fire.
(Long Spike)
FullAutoGal, I agreed with most of what you said save for the "look at what one BLML shooter in Dallas managed to do." Micah Xavier talked mad shit about BLM and thought they weren't going far enough while more grounded BLM sites and Facebook groups told him to fuck off because he was too extreme. You can attempt to link him to BLM because BLM is extremely "vague" (for example, would *I* be part of BLM because I once wrote on my Facebook wall that "black lives matter" despite never going to a rally or doing anything else besides that?) but when he's literally talking shit about BLM then it's hard to say he's part of that group.
(Old Spike)
BLM is every bit as ridiculous as the KKK.
(Long Spike)
What is their kill count?
(Old Spike)
Kill count? Are you serious?
(Long Spike)
Yes. What is BLM's kill count? Please note what has been mentioned about Micah Xavier Johsnon (the Dallas shooter). Here is just a small taste of the body count of "white supremacists", some of them straight up KKK members. I'm going to care a lot more about the group that has LITERALLY CLAIMED LIVES over the one that hasn't. And since we're saying they're "every bit as ridiculous as the KKK" I would like to compare the ideology of the KKK to that of BLM. Black Lives Matters is essentially saying that whites need to leave their cities and workplaces, right?
(Old Spike)
20 years of murder, dwarfed by 1 weekend in Chicago.
(Long Spike)
Notice that I'm not running from your comment nor hiding from it. I am legitimately interested in comparing Black Lives Matter to the KKK because if we're going to say that "BLM is as ridiculous as the KKK" then let's put them up side by side and see how similar they are. I am confident that they are NOT similar.
Black Lives Matter's "guiding principles" page talks about diversity, inclusion, and mutual respect among all races. At the moment many of the official KKK sites have been DDoS-raped so I can't link dirctly to them but for the most part they are very much against diversity, inclusion and mutual respect among all races. If you can show me otherwise I would love to see it.
Black Lives Matter's debatably has had one whacko kill some cops, and that is very shaky on his ties to BLM. As I linked above, the KKK has well over 100 years worth of murders, some of which were celebrated by offiical members of the KKK. I see that you are attempting to link random metropolis crime in Chicago to BLM but I will require a respected source for that because I live in South Bend, Indiana, which is about 100 miles to the east of Chicago and we get some of their gangsters that come into town...and none of them are really upholding the BLM creed.
The Democrats founded the KKK back before telecommunications existed. I am posting this so you don't have to because I am aware of it and it is irrelevant to the topic. I'm not sure if you would have tried to tell me that, but many people commonly do. I then ask them how the Democrats felt about the KKK from 1989 to present and the subject then seems to swiftly change.
So where are these similarities? I'm not seeing many.
(Old Spike)
Maybe when I can be bothered playing along with this wierd conversation I'll respond. You do realise that calling something ridiculous is subjective and not measurable in any way though right?
(Long Spike)
You are correct that you simply gave your opinion when you stated that "BLM is every bit as ridiculous as the KKK" but opinions are meant to be debated. If I happen to state that my opinion of the movie The Dark Knight is that it sucked, someone may say, "my opinion is different than yours, let us present our cases". I have laid out my criteria (fatality body count, creed, aims/goals) and I am defending my counter-opinion that BLM is NOT as ridiculous as the KKK and that they don't even belong in the same league as one another. You are not required to defend your opinion but I will state that means I am successful in coloring your opinion as "wrong", for lack of a better term (I would actually state that it is misinformed or intentionally misguided).
I've noticed that when something terrible comes about people are quick to state that a similar option is equally as terrible. "Clinton was just a bad an option as Trump." No, she certainly wasn't. "Black Lives Matter is just as bad as the KKK." No, they're not. "Antifa are the actual fascists." Are they? (I will state that many of their tactics are shitty and there are a lot of times I say, 'fuck them".) Nazis and neo-Nazis are worse than BLM people. Protestors aren't as bad as looting criminals.
(Old Spike)
They are quite different ideologies but both ridiculous. It has nothing to do with body count but I gotta say, those stats you linked to were not KKK stats, they were based on anyone with any kind of white supremacist links. I'm talking specifically about KKK & BLM, not white racists & black racists in general.
They both are ideologies based on race. KKK claims to have a right to oppress people because of their skin colour & some phrases in the bible and BLM claims to be oppressed because of their skin colour. I find cherry picking law enforcement data just as much hocus pocus as the bible.
I have no interest in reading the BLM manifesto. Actions speak louder than words and they've shown themselves to be nothing more than a menace who in my opinion are stifling the debate and causing more tension between the races. They've motivated people to perpetrate violence based on race.
Clinton was far worse of a choice than Trump. That was made obvious by the overwhelming support she had from the establishment and yet still managed to lose the election.