looks like you've been a member for over two years.
KABLAM! you're now a shortspike.
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username (Long Spike)
what do I have to do to be a long spike? I've been here, with different usernames since spikedhumor.com, and BEFORE spankwire and BEFORE Spikednation!
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
nah, i think it was 5 years for long spike but i like the cut of your jib and i think i remember you from the before time.
oh and i've had most of a bottle of JW black and written this with virtually no spelling mistakes so i'm feeling generous.
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pharb (Old Spike)
Never really paid any attention to those short/long spikes underneath the names - are there other ranks (other than Site Administrator)?
But mostly, I wrote this to see what kind of spike I am.
EDIT: Short spike?
"Member for
8 years 6 months"
And I feel it's definitely longer than that - spikedhumor times.
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
yes there are other rolls. when critikal made this new site we had a ranking system in mind that was based on points. you gained points through voting, video submissions and other stuff i can't remember now. in retun for gaining higher ranks you also gained the ability to put gifs and videos in your comments amongst other things. turns out people didn't quite like that so we just made the system time based and gave everyone their abilities from the get go. it's ment to be automatic but things seem to slip through so people can just ask and i'll look into their case.
other than admin there is a "mod" roll with reduced capabilities. they can delete comments. make gifs, images and create polls. i can pretty much make up any roll i wish giving it any ability or restriction i like other than the complex drupal and/or/if "rules" only critikal knew how to manipulate.
there, your question is answered and you've been elevated to long spike.
congrats :D
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username (Long Spike)
My original name was CockAsian311. I joined in maybe 2005...maybe earlier...when the dartboard guy was in charge...what was his name again?
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
not sure, i think that was before i took notice of what was going on here.
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Woodsman (Old Spike)
Remember the old days when most of the content was on spikedhumor and not even an imbedded youtube video?
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Needless_Kane (Old Spike)
Yes what happened to the days when men were men and uploaded their own video sources. :P
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bradlox (Long Spike)
Mmmm snake-sushi
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The Evil Bat (Long Spike)
Yeah that's exactly how I don't want to go.....Being eaten alive that is. (By anything, not just Eagles)
(Long Spike)
and I thought MY Saturday was going badly!
(Site Administrator)
looks like you've been a member for over two years.
KABLAM! you're now a shortspike.
(Long Spike)
what do I have to do to be a long spike? I've been here, with different usernames since spikedhumor.com, and BEFORE spankwire and BEFORE Spikednation!
(Site Administrator)
nah, i think it was 5 years for long spike but i like the cut of your jib and i think i remember you from the before time.
oh and i've had most of a bottle of JW black and written this with virtually no spelling mistakes so i'm feeling generous.
(Old Spike)
Never really paid any attention to those short/long spikes underneath the names - are there other ranks (other than Site Administrator)?
But mostly, I wrote this to see what kind of spike I am.
EDIT: Short spike?
And I feel it's definitely longer than that - spikedhumor times.
(Site Administrator)
yes there are other rolls. when critikal made this new site we had a ranking system in mind that was based on points. you gained points through voting, video submissions and other stuff i can't remember now. in retun for gaining higher ranks you also gained the ability to put gifs and videos in your comments amongst other things. turns out people didn't quite like that so we just made the system time based and gave everyone their abilities from the get go. it's ment to be automatic but things seem to slip through so people can just ask and i'll look into their case.
other than admin there is a "mod" roll with reduced capabilities. they can delete comments. make gifs, images and create polls. i can pretty much make up any roll i wish giving it any ability or restriction i like other than the complex drupal and/or/if "rules" only critikal knew how to manipulate.
there, your question is answered and you've been elevated to long spike.
congrats :D
(Long Spike)
My original name was CockAsian311. I joined in maybe 2005...maybe earlier...when the dartboard guy was in charge...what was his name again?
(Site Administrator)
not sure, i think that was before i took notice of what was going on here.
(Old Spike)
Remember the old days when most of the content was on spikedhumor and not even an imbedded youtube video?
(Old Spike)
Yes what happened to the days when men were men and uploaded their own video sources. :P
(Long Spike)
Mmmm snake-sushi
(Long Spike)
Yeah that's exactly how I don't want to go.....Being eaten alive that is. (By anything, not just Eagles)
(Long Spike)
(Short Spike)
Snake out of venom ?