AoC Destroys Racist


Woodsman's picture
Fullauto223cal's picture

I love how it just keeps coming.  What a stupid cunt.  Fuck I can't wait for her to be removed by the powerful Democrats that hate her Commie ass.

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acdc51502112's picture

people in her district don't like her, something like 40% disapprove and 20% approve

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b3g's picture

facts to back up your 'something like' stat

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Dagambit's picture

I just keep watching it. Sooo good, but they are talking about 2 different things. 


She keeps saying legal

He keeps saying illegal


what she fails to realize is, families aren't separated when the cross legally with paperwork and are seeking asylum the legit way. Most likely because they can prove they are actually family. 

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ubershin's picture

she should get rewarded with the same Peacce Prize that obama got. This one however will be much more deserved because what she is doing is making Trump get an easy win. By somehow making trump the only viable choice that we can actually vote for (unless you are psycho and pick demonrat) then she is literally saving the world. Peace Prize winner right here obv

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Woodsman's picture

I have watched this countless times and it keeps its humour and beauty every time.  5/5.

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester

When did SN become to right wing?

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skeptoid's picture

How is this video "right-wing". I think it's just not sympathetic to extreme leftist positions. That doesn't make it right-wing, unless it's now "right-wing" to be a law-abiding person.

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester

I never said the video was right wing, I was talking about it's members based on these comments.

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b3g's picture

Agreed - the comments on here are pretty extreme .. this isn't the SN I remember... any moderators calling out comments like "What a stupid cunt.  Fuck I can't wait for her to be removed by the powerful Democrats that hate her Commie ass."... that's a bit of an extreme right view don't you think?

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