Ooooooh boy, it is a bitch when niggers and beaners act as reasonable role models. Go back to selling drugs and raping and leave us supreme white folks alone!
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Stop being such a racist cunt! Why so much hate within you?
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Dude (Old Spike)
Dark humor
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Some are just useless at detecting sarcasm, lol.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Stab the people who produced this TV show, lick the knife & watch this little cunt play vidya.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
I'd mind my own fucking business and eat my damn food as everyone else should do. Isnt my kid, isnt my problem.
As for the black dude, all I could think of was this episode of Rick and Morty:
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Dude (Old Spike)
I would slap the shit out of my kid, if it was someone elses, who cares
(Old Spike)
Ooooooh boy, it is a bitch when niggers and beaners act as reasonable role models. Go back to selling drugs and raping and leave us supreme white folks alone!
(sounds retarded)
Stop being such a racist cunt! Why so much hate within you?
(Old Spike)
Dark humor
(Old Spike)
Some are just useless at detecting sarcasm, lol.
(Old Spike)
Stab the people who produced this TV show, lick the knife & watch this little cunt play vidya.
(sounds retarded)
I'd mind my own fucking business and eat my damn food as everyone else should do. Isnt my kid, isnt my problem.
As for the black dude, all I could think of was this episode of Rick and Morty:
(Old Spike)
I would slap the shit out of my kid, if it was someone elses, who cares