JOKER - Final Trailer

puttefnask's picture

JOKER - Final Trailer

I forgot to add a creepy laugh!

Average: 4.4 (7 votes)


thegent's picture
Discord user

i hope its good..i think hes a great actor..

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

It just looks like a remake of 'Falling Down', but with clown makeup.  All it takes is one bad day, and poof, you're a demented criminal mastermind. We get it.  

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Needless_Kane's picture

Image result for sweet tooth

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Maxpower's picture

The Dark Knight handled it best by making him a pathological liar with no clear origin. He is seemingly willed into existence by the collective nuttiness of a world where Batman exists. He's the equal but opposite reaction to Batman.


With this movie, I'm getting the impression they're going to try to humanize him, similar to Killing Joke. He'll be some loser comedian with an average life that just snaps one day. It is much less intriguing. Makes the character very flat and easy to reduce when he's just a regular guy instead of a chaotic force.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

 i like your thinking but i like the 'some loser comedian with an average life that just snaps one day' idea if its well executed..dont like the one day part bit though..

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