Lia Reacts to Crystal Meth

Pantysoaker's picture

Lia Marie Johnson Needs Help

id still hit it

Average: 3 (2 votes)


thegent's picture
Discord user

i blame the parents...and she got to this point either through mental illness or drugs..never heard of her though..

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

they grow up so fast. 

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monkeymania's picture

My neighbor has a daughter that reminds me of her. The girl was an honor student and turning out to be a really smart and beautiful girl. In one summer, she went to shit. Her boyfriend, who you could tell instantly was a total shitstain, got her into drinking and other drugs. She's a total mess and it all happened within just a few months. I was going to say something to the parent about the piece of shit boyfriend but felt it was just being nosey. I actually wish I had.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Yes but now you can fulfill your dream and have sex with her in exchange for a little drug money, you filthy pedophile monkey :) just kidding :)

drugs are a fucking waste of talent

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Attention whore got too much downvotes and "bad" comments so became a drug addict, yawn.


Could I care any less? I guess I could not have commented...... so yes, but only very little.

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