HAHA this is fucking awesome! Found a flawed logic loop with these people. These people's heads look like they were about to explode.
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InsertCoin (Short Spike)
Totally agree, this is so good.. love how the women are offended by it, but then one of them goes on to say how also islam isnt' against women, and you can see her brain working itself out and going - "what are you saying?". Genius
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trooper_trent (Old Spike)
Someone should wait a week and then post identical signs saying "The Bible is right about women"
which says pretty much the same thing as the Koran, that they should keep their heads covered, keep silent, be subservient to men and be stoned for getting pregnant out of wedlock, even if it was rape.
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Dude (Old Spike)
He who is without sin cast the first stone
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The Evil Bat (Long Spike)
Jesus smacks a guy across the back of the head with a fist sized stone, "Zing"!
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trooper_trent (Old Spike)
I'm not saying I agree with it. I'm saying it's stupid for them to get all worked up and worried about the sign when their holy book says the same fucked up shit.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
You say that, but in the new testament, it's women that go to anoint the body of Christ and don't find him there. The mere fact that it was women (in the day) meant they could not be readily believed, as opposed to had they been men. But later on, Jesus himself appears to back their claim. It's said that this is a turning point in history, where the word of a woman became equal to that of a man. So... respectfully, no,.. the New Testament and Quran don't have the same treatment of women. Not at all.
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bannik (Site Moderator)
woman did the annointment because it was their job to do so in that era and Jesus had to confirm it because it was a fact not because women had an equal "voice" if jesus wanted to make women equal he could have made more female disciples etc...
both the Kran and BBL are equally at fault but the fault isnt the treatment of women but the MISTREATMENT of men... JUST think about how hard a mans life is in any religious text, we may glorify their behavior and life and think it support the male part of society but its extremely offensive and controlling... Men are slaves to their families and as soon as a man beds a woman or has a "family" he is now its slave... always working and supporting and struggling to maintain order and happiness in the household, no husband wants to beat his wive because a scourned wife means you havent been a good husband and therefore FAILED in your duties... being a man is bloody hard, I would be more than happy to be a house husband and let my wive do all the work...
just today, I washed all the clothes, did all the dishes, walked the dog, exercised, cleaned the WHOLE house, made dinner (for myself obviously) did the shopping and paid some bills... took me 6 hours.... and I did it all in my underwear (not the dog walking or bill paying or shopping etc).... and guess what, I dont have to do the washing up oor dishes tomorrow... I effectively worked for 6 hours max (and on average most likely 4-5) every day and have no stress from the public or work etc...if I had a working wife and she came back home and all I had to do was fuck her and eat her out and just cuddle her, make her happy I would say "fuck yes please".... being a housewife/husband is easy... doing a 10 hour work shift then travelling home for a hour is bloody hard.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Im a stay at home dad, if my girlfriend brings her stress from work to our home and gets all bitchy I'll just jump on my computer and play my video games and stop making her food :) Its fucking way easier staying at home taking care of kids then working. Boring as fuck and draining for sure, I'd rather be talking with adults all day but I dont miss the stress of working. These LAAAADIES have been having it easy for way too long and they still bitch and complain about being stay at home moms. Bitch please! I do all the household shit and shopping and I still teach my kid everything I can and we go places and have fun. Staying at home with kids fucking rocks! Yet I hear from moms how hard it is and all that, fucking bullshit!
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Those that want to be offended will be offended.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
LOL They are so confused!
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Hellmasker (Old Spike)
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Csmack (Short Spike)
"It's unsettling because there's a misconception that Islam hates women"
SJWs cannot process their way out of this haha. You can see their brains breaking as they try to rationalize their outrage.
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blue_devil (Short Spike)
The thing about people thinking hey you have your beliefs and i have mine so there is no conflict is bullshit.
The statement "Islam is right about women" comes in conflict with western ideals because Islam supresses women but if they don't agree with the statement then positon of, hey we can all just get along because there are different views and no real conflict fails.
The statement is meant to cause cognitive dissonance and make the people aware of the conflict between two beliefs that were thought to be true.
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NoToucH (Short Spike)
Good, thats pretty genius in fact, trying to send angry women after their flawed religion( I do include christianity and judism and all the other big existing religions in there aswell). Its like going for the Redeemer in unreal tournament.
Lets be honest though, if u believe in old ass fairy tales, written thousands of years ago, while living in 2019 u are pretty fucking ignorant and dumb. Some people need that guidance in life I guess, all the insecurities and freedom of thought are too much to handle. Its easyer to just be a sheep and follow the herd and have ur life dictated and follow certain guidelines. Its like those criminals who have been locked up for so long , when they are finaly granted freedom they dont know what to do with it anymore, and prefer to go back to the system they are used to, where everything is under control and dictated and guided and not many own choices have to be made.
(sounds retarded)
HAHA this is fucking awesome! Found a flawed logic loop with these people. These people's heads look like they were about to explode.
(Short Spike)
Totally agree, this is so good.. love how the women are offended by it, but then one of them goes on to say how also islam isnt' against women, and you can see her brain working itself out and going - "what are you saying?". Genius
(Old Spike)
Someone should wait a week and then post identical signs saying "The Bible is right about women"
which says pretty much the same thing as the Koran, that they should keep their heads covered, keep silent, be subservient to men and be stoned for getting pregnant out of wedlock, even if it was rape.
(Old Spike)
He who is without sin cast the first stone
(Long Spike)
Jesus smacks a guy across the back of the head with a fist sized stone, "Zing"!
(Old Spike)
I'm not saying I agree with it. I'm saying it's stupid for them to get all worked up and worried about the sign when their holy book says the same fucked up shit.
(Site Administrator)
You say that, but in the new testament, it's women that go to anoint the body of Christ and don't find him there. The mere fact that it was women (in the day) meant they could not be readily believed, as opposed to had they been men. But later on, Jesus himself appears to back their claim. It's said that this is a turning point in history, where the word of a woman became equal to that of a man. So... respectfully, no,.. the New Testament and Quran don't have the same treatment of women. Not at all.
(Site Moderator)
woman did the annointment because it was their job to do so in that era and Jesus had to confirm it because it was a fact not because women had an equal "voice" if jesus wanted to make women equal he could have made more female disciples etc...
both the Kran and BBL are equally at fault but the fault isnt the treatment of women but the MISTREATMENT of men... JUST think about how hard a mans life is in any religious text, we may glorify their behavior and life and think it support the male part of society but its extremely offensive and controlling... Men are slaves to their families and as soon as a man beds a woman or has a "family" he is now its slave... always working and supporting and struggling to maintain order and happiness in the household, no husband wants to beat his wive because a scourned wife means you havent been a good husband and therefore FAILED in your duties... being a man is bloody hard, I would be more than happy to be a house husband and let my wive do all the work...
just today, I washed all the clothes, did all the dishes, walked the dog, exercised, cleaned the WHOLE house, made dinner (for myself obviously) did the shopping and paid some bills... took me 6 hours.... and I did it all in my underwear (not the dog walking or bill paying or shopping etc).... and guess what, I dont have to do the washing up oor dishes tomorrow... I effectively worked for 6 hours max (and on average most likely 4-5) every day and have no stress from the public or work etc...if I had a working wife and she came back home and all I had to do was fuck her and eat her out and just cuddle her, make her happy I would say "fuck yes please".... being a housewife/husband is easy... doing a 10 hour work shift then travelling home for a hour is bloody hard.
(sounds retarded)
Im a stay at home dad, if my girlfriend brings her stress from work to our home and gets all bitchy I'll just jump on my computer and play my video games and stop making her food :) Its fucking way easier staying at home taking care of kids then working. Boring as fuck and draining for sure, I'd rather be talking with adults all day but I dont miss the stress of working. These LAAAADIES have been having it easy for way too long and they still bitch and complain about being stay at home moms. Bitch please! I do all the household shit and shopping and I still teach my kid everything I can and we go places and have fun. Staying at home with kids fucking rocks! Yet I hear from moms how hard it is and all that, fucking bullshit!
(Old Spike)
Those that want to be offended will be offended.
(Old Spike)
LOL They are so confused!
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
"It's unsettling because there's a misconception that Islam hates women"
SJWs cannot process their way out of this haha. You can see their brains breaking as they try to rationalize their outrage.
(Short Spike)
The thing about people thinking hey you have your beliefs and i have mine so there is no conflict is bullshit.
The statement "Islam is right about women" comes in conflict with western ideals because Islam supresses women but if they don't agree with the statement then positon of, hey we can all just get along because there are different views and no real conflict fails.
The statement is meant to cause cognitive dissonance and make the people aware of the conflict between two beliefs that were thought to be true.
(Short Spike)
Good, thats pretty genius in fact, trying to send angry women after their flawed religion( I do include christianity and judism and all the other big existing religions in there aswell). Its like going for the Redeemer in unreal tournament.
Lets be honest though, if u believe in old ass fairy tales, written thousands of years ago, while living in 2019 u are pretty fucking ignorant and dumb. Some people need that guidance in life I guess, all the insecurities and freedom of thought are too much to handle. Its easyer to just be a sheep and follow the herd and have ur life dictated and follow certain guidelines. Its like those criminals who have been locked up for so long , when they are finaly granted freedom they dont know what to do with it anymore, and prefer to go back to the system they are used to, where everything is under control and dictated and guided and not many own choices have to be made.