Impressive Halloween House


boldfart's picture

Pretentious crap !


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Hisoka's picture

Youre just annoyed cause your slums are scary in a different way

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Maxpower's picture

Holidays have been slowly dying over the course of my life. When I was young, every house in the neighborhood decorated. Now, it's maybe 1 house out of every 4. I really appreciate the people who still go out of their way to make shit like this. It will probably mean a lot to some kids growing up now to have these kinds of memories, and I think overall, it's good to live in a world where traditions are maintained and there are still things more important than ourselves.

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monkeymania's picture

1 in 4 is actually impressive. Where I live it's amazing to even see 1 house in 20 decorated.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

In Belgium halloween is rising, but christmas decorations are almost on every house, even if it is just lights or balls on the window

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