California cut off Power Supply


GKhan's picture

Maybe an opportunity for solar and battery stations? Or if each building had their own setup, they could be running independently. It still seems costly to setup though without subsidies but perhaps not considering the loss due to wildfires could justify government support.

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monkeymania's picture

If they had raked their forests they wouldn't have to worry about missing Keeping Up With The Kardashians or being in the dark.


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GKhan's picture

Do people really do that? Here is my one google search worth of effort to educate myself... it didn't help. :)

I know they cut lines throughout the forest to stop fire jumping and yes I would expect the ground has to be cleared and maybe even raked, is this the context?

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monkeymania's picture

It was just Trump being a moron and making up a story out of thin air that Finland's leader told him they don't have forest fires because they rake their forests. Finland's leader was baffled by it and said no such thing. It was just another bizarre Trump lie that has been followed by so many more in just the last 10 months that it has been largely forgotten.






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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

plastic straws are the real issue

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monkeymania's picture

In actuality, the issue is the face of people who's parents are very closely related.


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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

no the second hand smoke vape pens emit are the big threat of our time

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ubershin's picture

but think of children maybe we should promote forests more trump bad etc. obv

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