nuke a city

sal9000's picture

What if We Nuke a City?

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NoToucH's picture

Yes lets hope it never happens again. But even if we all agree and ban the weapons, wich I dont see happen anytime soon, what are we going to do with all the nucleair weapons allready produced?

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GKhan's picture

Disassemble. They probably require a lot of maintenance anyway.

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

For decades we all had agreed to stop developing certain types of missiles and it worked. In that time no new development happened that we know of and all the missiles that were in use either became useless due to age or were just 'old'. Then everything changed when the New American Century people got into power again. Now every major nation is developing nuclear weapons because America stopped playing by the rules of the game. And all  because the fuckers think nuclear war is a way to maintain American hegemony.

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The Evil Bat's picture

Fun fact: Good old WD-40 was invented by engineers to stop ICBM's and other underground ordinances (things in missile silos, underground bunkers and what not) to stop them from rusting up. "Water Deterent, experiment No# 40".


Its amazing the things us humans invent around killing the shit out of one another.

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