Thu, 2019-07-25 01:59 — Pantysoaker Woman removed from American Airlines flight after smashing laptop on partner's head Video of Woman removed from American Airlines flight after smashing laptop on partner's head get rekt! 4.5 Average: 4.5 (16 votes)
(Old Spike)
Wow. AA must have deep seats, I can never get out of a window seat that fast.
(Old Spike)
You probably never had that kinda psycho sitting beside you....
(Old Spike)
lol wow that crowd is straight outta the movies how they all gasp. makes 0 sense
(Old Spike)
I would be laughing my ass off, litteraly off
(Short Spike)
Too bad the airplane toilet isnt big enough to fit her fat ass through, so u could just flushdown big shits like this. problem solved.
fat cunt