This guy is just a complete fucking moron with a cult of dumbfucks who cheer his idiocy. He couldn't pass a 3rd grade geography test. Pathetic.
This, after Trump received a standing ovation in Pittsburgh on Wednesday after boasting about a nonexistent border wall he’s building ― in Colorado.
“We’re building a wall in Colorado ― we’re building a beautiful wall,” Trump told the cheering crowd at a shale energy conference. “A big one that really works, that you can’t get over, you can’t get under.”
(5 votes)
(Old Spike)
border wall in Colorado lmao
I wonder how many countries the US is currently bombing that he could point to on a map.
(Old Spike)
CO was turned into demonrat cesspool as of late by those cali refugees so i fully support to wall them off in fema camps obv
(Long Spike)
Finally! A cult Trumptard sucking off their dear leader and supporting him when he shows himself to be the brain dead dipshit that he is.......again. He said New Mexico was paying for his Colorado wall too.
(Short Spike)
Co, cali, obv. These are just a few words that this guy can't spell. Brought to you by the person who doesn't use any punctuation and lower case i's.
(Old Spike)
Fucking hillarious, no so much what he said, as shit like this is to be expected, but the reactions and excuses by the trumptards..... Or shall we call them "presidential apologists" in order not to offend them?
(Long Spike)
Have you ever had a dream that, that, um, that you had, uh, that you had to, you could, you do, you wit, you wa, you could do so, you do you could, you want, you wanted him to do you so much you could do anything?
(Long Spike)
Perfect impression of your dear leader's unhinged and incoherent speech pattern. Kudos.