Quantum Supremacy & AI

backdraft's picture

Quantum Supremacy & AI, with Stephen Fry.

Skynet's gonna be a bummer, but can't wait for the sex robots

Average: 4.9 (7 votes)


sli0701948's picture

Since we don't believe in god no more, we want to create one.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

It would be hilarious if aliens rock up within the next few years only to tell us “yeah, quantum AI, not the best idea. Oh and btw if you ignore us and still do it we’ll come back destroy the planet because that shit ain’t happening again.”

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Since we are living in a simulation anyway, what's the point?

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Simulation or not, you could always ask the same question.  

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Simulation or not, the beauty of it all is that it will take quite a few years until the tech has been developed to a state that humans will be overthrown by the electronics. Until then I will watch in awe and once it happens I am so old that I don't fucking care any more.....

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Hard to predict what will happen. It could grind on for decades or it could take us by surprise. Depends alot on how the quantum computer side on this will develop. The computational power is just so insane compared to classical ones that it's hard to imagine what might come of it if it's paired with good AI. 


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Needless_Kane's picture

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Pdub's picture

We are the A.I..  That's the plot twist.  We are basically recreating ourselves.

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