The Slow Speed Of Light

monkeymania's picture

How Fast the Light Speed from Nasa

The speed of light seems awfully slow when applied to distances in just our solar system. Beyond that, it seems like molasses.

Average: 5 (7 votes)


thegent's picture
Discord user

wow earth to moon seems ok but then mars and the rest..big difference..and thats just our little neighbourhood..apart from andromeda..madness..

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monkeymania's picture

Warp speed seems pretty lame. Even warp factor 20 is a joke when moving between galaxies.


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thegent's picture
Discord user

across galaxies man..what can you expect..interesting table though..i remember next gen talking about warp 10 being the holy grail at one stage..

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monkeymania's picture

That's hilarious because I always thought warp 10 was top-end from Star Trek and the Enterprise's max and only wrote warp 20 because I saw it on the chart.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

i know.. me too!

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Depressing as fuck, shit is out there but we can't get to it. 

we got voyager's but ... when you think about it, havent even hit first base yet. Hell ... it's hardly out of the womb.

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