![monkeymania's picture monkeymania's picture](https://spikednation.com/sites/default/files/styles/user_avatar/public/user_images/picture-840-1535663151.jpg?itok=9YHdg37O)
US Ambassador Gordon Sondland lies in his testimony and says there was a quid pro quo that came from Rudy Giuliani who was expressing the desires of President Donald Trump. Presidential harassment. A hoax. A witch hunt. A bigly tremendous farce.
(6 votes)
(sounds retarded)
Still no direct evidence to impeach Trump you tard.
(Long Spike)
Yeah. No evidence. None. Seriously, deprogram from the cult. Trump is a pathological liar, a con man, a scam artist and a criminal. He always has been since even before his real estate huckster days in New York in the 80's. WAKE THE FUCK UP. He was obviously engaged in extortion holding the anti-tank missiles over the Ukrainian's heads. If you don't see that, you are just lost. His tax returns? He said he would release them but has fought tooth and nail to hide them ever since. Not even a little bit fishy to a cult Trumptard? At all?
He's hiding his taxes because they will show either (a) he's far from a billionaire, (b) he's guilty of tax fraud, bank fraud, and wire fraud, and (c) since no reputable bank would touch him after five bankruptcies, his financiers have been Russian oligarchs and the Russian mob which follow the former KGB admin leading Russia for years.
Stay in your cult and get your "news" from Trumptard state media though. They need you.
(Long Spike)
Allow me to clear up this misinformation.
OPINION until tax returns.
Tax returns will never be released period. Not because there is anything to hide, maybe there is, but mostly because the left plays CLASS Warfare and showing disparity between Trump and the average voter is the goal. Just more ammo for the left, we all knew (Trump supporters) he wasn't going to release his taxes.
Fighting tooth and nail ... ??? LOL.. no, he literally just says no. Fun Fact: He is not obligated to give his taxes. PERIOD.
The last section is all opinion based on nothing, because like me, you haven't seen his taxes either. So, you don't know anything more than me.
OAN is the only news station I watch now. FACTs presented, opinions withheld.
(Long Spike)
LOLOLOLOLOLOL OAN is your "news" source!!??????? That is hilarious and again really explains the Trumptard cult. OAN, Trumptard state media, and right wing radio and internet is a solid source of the Trump Psychosis of the Trumptard cult.
OAN, no opinion there..........you are fucked bro.
(Old Spike)
I've timestamped the most significant part to the end, but feel free to watch the train slowly crash and burn from the beginning.
(Long Spike)
LOLOL Nice tidbit. That really laid everything down and Trump is completely innocent. The greatest president in U.S. history...........FOX 10 Phoenix????? That is Trumptard state media for extra dummies. That being where you get your "news" from explains a lot. Thanks.
(Short Spike)
You're right.. This is a deepfake.. FOX 10 Phoenix faked what the ambassador said.. It's not that he just literally said that Trump said, "no, I don't want anything".. that's not what he said.. I need deeeepppprrrooograammming..
I love that you're not in a cult because you automatically assume he's guilty..and I'm in a cult because I assume he's innocent until proven guilty.. such cult.. many programmed.. wow
(Long Spike)
That is the best comment I have read all week.
Many many bigly programmed.... Your acceptance is the first step in cult deprogramming.
(Old Spike)
Why this whistleblower is'nt procecuted and imprisonned? It's not very american tbh.
(Old Spike)
yawn almost has much of a chance for trump to get impeached as tulsi has ability to get elected = -1.8%. Negative numbers. i,m surprised he has not called in delta force recon to get rid of the demonrats prob just plan B or C. ez win ez treason obv
(Long Spike)
Trump will actually be impeached by the House of Representatives while the vote for his removal will never be passed in the party over country Senate. No way will they get enough Trumpublicans to vote for his removal to reach the required 67 votes. History will not be kind to Senators who could vote against the massive amount of evidence supporting the articles of impeachment which will be brought against Trump.
People will read it and shake their heads and laugh how pathetic this country had become when a president acts like a mob boss with the training of a lifelong patholical liar, con man, scam artist, draft dodger, real estate hustler, bankruptcy specialist, charity rip-off artist, fake university promoter, reality TV host, and grifter.
Let's wait and see all of the evidence laid out, then marvel at Trumptards cheering their dear leader.
(Short Spike)
Bad day?
(Long Spike)
Totally. The Trumptard spin and his spiked Trumptard following buying the little pieces of spin from a damning pile of evidence from dozens of witnesses is scary. It represents a pretty stupid piece of spiked. Bad.
Believing a guy who has lied thousands of times as he repreats what he wrote over and over with his Sharpie after Sondland's testimony that there was a "quid pro quo" is pathetic. Sorry Trumptard spikednation but believing one guy's lies over the testimony of 9 people (yeah, they just made it all up) is the definition of insanity bearing a strong resemblance to cult mentality.
Step outside the Trump bubble, deprogram, and look at his life. Reality is completely the opposite of TP.
(Long Spike)
no no no... this is the best comment I have read all day. Piles of "EVIDENCE" by witnesses, most whom only have 3rd hand knowledge of the event, and others that can't read a full transcript that was posted to the public. Fucking brilliant. Man, the TDS really has Monkeymania by the balls.
(Long Spike)
Back to OAN so you can get the real story.
(sounds retarded)
The 1st day: Two guys heard something from another friend who heard something from a friend etc...
2nd day: Some lady crying about getting fired.
3rd day: Guy admits he leaked a classified conversation to the CIA because he was salty he didnt get invited to a meeting. (Sounds like some other traitor, Benedict Arnold rings a bell.)
4th day: Guy admits Trump never wanted anything from Ukraine and there was no quid pro quo for aid money but for a meeting with Trump and that ukraine would investigate corruption and it was Giuliani that asked for the Quid pro qou, not Trump. Email to the pentagon that no one read surfaces that Ukraine knew about hold on money.
(Old Spike)
What does UkraineGate and RussiaGate have in common?
Both started out as an embarrassing revelation about a top Democrat.
(Old Spike)
lol thinking the average american knows the words "quid pro quo" like do u literally think they understand political bs agendas? they will not care about any of this demonrats lose again yawn
(Long Spike)
more like squid pro ro