"Top tier" candidate cant even fill up a small room with people.
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
....and yet their combined IQ's are still far above that of a Trumptard rally filled with more dipshits chanting their support of a moron who doesn't even read.
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Sempaliscious (Short Spike)
Bad day?
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
He's just upset about the Dems parading 3 biased clown legal "experts" to try and sway public opinion in favor of impeachment but failed miserably and back fired on them.
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
TOTALLY! Trump is a straight shooter. Spiked Trumptard Nation is making a great showing. This place has gone to shit.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
Monkeymania just got Triggered!
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ubershin (Old Spike)
lol imagine if trump could run indefinite terms he would win 100% of the time so ez...we should remove term limits
(sounds retarded)
"Top tier" candidate cant even fill up a small room with people.
(Long Spike)
....and yet their combined IQ's are still far above that of a Trumptard rally filled with more dipshits chanting their support of a moron who doesn't even read.
(Short Spike)
Bad day?
(sounds retarded)
He's just upset about the Dems parading 3 biased clown legal "experts" to try and sway public opinion in favor of impeachment but failed miserably and back fired on them.
(Long Spike)
TOTALLY! Trump is a straight shooter. Spiked Trumptard Nation is making a great showing. This place has gone to shit.
(Long Spike)
Monkeymania just got Triggered!
(Old Spike)
lol imagine if trump could run indefinite terms he would win 100% of the time so ez...we should remove term limits