Russia is willing to publish all correspondence with the Obama admin from October 2016 - Jan 2017 from a US-Russia channel on cyberspace. This offer has been on the table since May 2019 but the US is blocking it.
Summary of today's presser between the 2 country's top diplomats:
(2 votes)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Good to see Russia-US relations at least remain stable. Even better because it bothers so many morons.
(sounds retarded)
Fucking Trump IS doing everything I thought Obama would have done, that lying fucking bastard! I remember he was supposed to talk with the Russians to finally end the stupid proxy wars and stop the fear mongering, I thought Obama was going to finally talk with North Korea but NO, I thought Obama was going to shut down GITMO and pull out of the middle east, But NO its fucking Trump that does it all and all I hear is how he was, will, would've started WW3 and orange man bad. I am really fucking sick of it, kinda wanna punch monkeymania in the head right about now!
(Old Spike)
Anti-Trump sentiment was strong here too. People were a bit hysterical when he was elected, talking about nuclear triggers, WWIII etc. It was strange because Hillary is such a psychopath & confirmed warmonger. By this time under Obama/Hillary, Libya had been rekt Syria was about to get the same treatment.
I wouldn't say he's ended any proxy wars or pulled out of the Middle East...Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia & Niger are all ongoing & that's just the declared operations. But yeah, he's started no major military conflicts 3 years into his term which is bloody good for a US president, oddly enough.
Korea peace talks are on ice after the RoK-Japan spat. US sided with Japan & really put RoK in a tough spot so it'll be hard for them to advance the talks with Kim. They have an election soonish so likely need to focus on that after this embarrassment. Can't fault Trump on that, the spat was a bit random, US just mediated at the end to make sure the 2 countries stayed in the US sphere to counter China.
Trump's continued the sanctions on Russia, is arming Ukraine & has pulled out of an important nuclear missile treaty (& a bunch of other global cooperation frameworks, Russia is fond of that kind of stuff) & really screwed Russian partner Venezuela, so it's not like it's all smooth with them but at least it's steady & they're talking.
(Long Spike)
WHEW! Now we will finally get the truth.
(sounds retarded)
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)