The masses demanded it, so it was made so. Thought I'd share the process with you here. Hope you fellas enjoy the work! Let me know if you've any thoughts or questions. Best to ye spikers - N
(5 votes)
The masses demanded it, so it was made so. Thought I'd share the process with you here. Hope you fellas enjoy the work! Let me know if you've any thoughts or questions. Best to ye spikers - N
(Old Spike)
Impressive craftmanship. It does really looks like giving birth when the silicon casting is pulled out of the plaster mold. 5/5 Too bad it's from shit disney flicks.
(Short Spike)
lool! Yeah, I know, I thought that was hilarious when that happened.
(Old Spike)
I make egyptian cat statues out of clay, one was sold for over 230.000$ in auction cant get the pics off my old Iphone don't know how... il post it here if i figure out how
(Long Spike)
serious skillz man. 5/5
Even the little hairs!!
(Short Spike)
Thank you, my dude!
(Long Spike)
How much? also, Can I get it before or after Christmas? How about before 2021?
We've been here since Spikedhumor! Glad to see you are still passionate about your work.
(Short Spike)
well, Disney is suing the shit out of people that are selling any sort of replicas, even shoddy ones. Some lady got a cease and desist order for selling her crocheted baby yoda... crazy... soooo.... any such conversations would need to occur... very quietly... I have an FB page called LoreCraft or you can message me through my website.
And yessir, I've been around for a long time, friend. Way back during the old days. I'd like to see things pick up here again like they used to be. Seems to have slowed down a lot since the old days, but I do try to still pop in and check on what's up.
(Long Spike)
Hit you up on FB message. Under my wife's account, because FB is a cult and I refuse to join.
(Old Spike)
Yoda said there is another, and he wasn't referring to jar jar binks