How To Stop Procrastinating :-)

Thorno's picture

How To Stop Procrastinating TODAY!

Latest video from my channel - Comments and constructive feedback are welcome.

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daftcunt's picture
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Unless you have some sort of monopoly position pushing client meetings will eventually end in them taking their business elsewhere.  If that is not motivation enough then you should look for another occupation.

If you want to be successful as a self employed person in a competitive environment you have to have the discipline to get out of bed and you have to face the tasks without being distracted. I knew I would not have this hence I remained employee until relatively late in life when my income wasn't that vital to survive any more. 

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Thorno's picture

I agree, in the video I am focusing more on the internal battle many enterpreneurs and sales specialists face. Obviously if your client want of about you not wanting to actually meet or talk to them that wouldn't go over too well. 

I find that procrastination kicks in when there's a big task ahead and you'd rather just not think about it until time starts running out than actually do it with time to spare.

You do need a degree of discipline but my view is that more importantly you need to have the drive and clarity of what your goals are and reaching them. EQUALLY if not more importantly, accountability to others or something that lights a fire under your ass to get it done is a huge factor.

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The Evil Bat's picture

I'll press play on this eventually....

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