clerk robbed and pistol whipped


The Evil Bat's picture

Looks more like he fatally shot his counter

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Wow, the "concerned guy" stole his gun and left the money! Correction it was a store manager who probably went after the perp.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

And this is a prime example of why you keep your sidearm ON YOU SIDE and not in a fucking drawer.  Of course that's going to mean "offending" bitch made people who are too lazy and pussy whipped to train with the the most effective tool to defend against scumbags like these; but they're a tiny minority.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

unless your one of those quick draw artists having the gun on your side isn't going to do much good against a gun thats already pointed at you. this is a prime example of why you should always have your gun drawn and pointed at people as you go about your daily business.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page


sal9000: 1
fullauto: 0

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester

He'd have been far safer without a gun, by simply letting the dude take the money and claiming it back from your insurance companey rather than trying to be a hero. Also, not counting money in a open store is some good advice here, and also dropping money so there's only 100 bucks in there or so.

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Bove11's picture

lol, dude pure gold response

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Bove11's picture
lol, dude pure gold response
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Dagambit's picture

wait, so the robber didn't stay after he found out it wasn't a no gun zone? 

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