Break into a smart home with a laser


Pantysoaker's picture
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Hey Sato, it's DICK from COX Communications! I'm writing this message in chat because our internet is down here at the office and the only way I have to communicate with you is by writing in your chat from my mobile phone. Just wanted to let you know that your brand new DONGLE is if all set up and ready to go, we even added a copy fun BALLS at the end to give it personality, and doubled the RAM so that it can handle larger LOADS!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I don't use ok google or alexa and of course don't own an iphone.

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acdc51502112's picture

I have a Huawei phone. I don't think I'm allowed in China as I let the party know what I think every morning.

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phanto's picture

To be fair most thieves would just get into his garage by booting his flimsy door open and it would require far less work.


But it is pretty cool that you can talk to a microphone with a laser. 


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