Plagiarist Joseph Watson


Dagambit's picture

LOL.. what? Plagerism, shows only the nazi's site comolaining about him plagerizing. 


Shows "doctored video" looks just like the real video. 


I am not sure who this guy is, or if he is a youtuber, but it doesn't look like we are arguing about his content. What is the difference between this guy, and someone who reads various news articles from all over and then gives the same opinion or differencing of opinion. From his world map on his bedroom wall, he doesn't seem to be a news anchor, therefore not a journalist, so... some guy? Also, "Prison Paul" ? Is he incarcerated? Too lazy to look him up on the internet, don't really care about him. Just found the videos damning edvidence to be laughable. jim acosta put his hand to stop that girl from grabbing the mic, period. 

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danmanjones's picture

Watch the video from the start to find out who he is.


'Prison Paul' is likely a reference to Prison Planet - an Alex Jones website that Watson published on & his Twitter handle @PrisonPlanet.


I think the plagiarism charge is based on this video:

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Dagambit's picture

That second video clears that up!

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