The MAGA Church Of God

monkeymania's picture

The MAGA Church

Evangelicals supporting Donald Trump seemed bizarre from the very beginning. He just doesn't come across as the most moral and religious character.

Average: 4 (20 votes)


Sgt_Ric's picture

I can't fuckin' believe it!


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GKhan's picture

Religion, the first fake news.

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JarvanVI's picture

Too much man for most to handle. 

Remember, Canada is right there folks.

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JarvanVI's picture

Also, he is def the anointed one.

Draining the swamp.

Arresting pedos and sex traffickers. 

Focusing on his country, as the rest of the world leaders do. 


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monkeymania's picture

Drained the swamp. Pumped in sewage. Trump is a complete shitshow. Period.

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