Fox Entertainment is great comedy. The lineup of mental midgets is legendary. Hannity, Dobbs, Watters, Doucy, Ingraham, Kilmeade, and on and on and on with one-sided guests who are 100% Trumptards who are either the McConnell, Graham, Collins, Gaetz variety of Trumpublican morons or just sweepings from the road like the great Dr. Gorka.
When you get made to appear as a complete idiot like Doucy did with "Can you imagine if the United States accidentally shot down an a jetliner"? by a genius like Geraldo Rivera, it really says it all. Kilmeade jumping in to save Doucy with "We paid a lotta money" was a great topping.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
That was a pretty good one!
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
I hope he does run! I can stand the pencil neck shifty Schiff! I want to ring his little neck till his head pops off!
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ubershin (Old Spike)
schiff is what every boy should see before they turn 16 so they can look into the world of being a huge fagget if they turn demoncrat
(Long Spike)
Fox Entertainment is great comedy. The lineup of mental midgets is legendary. Hannity, Dobbs, Watters, Doucy, Ingraham, Kilmeade, and on and on and on with one-sided guests who are 100% Trumptards who are either the McConnell, Graham, Collins, Gaetz variety of Trumpublican morons or just sweepings from the road like the great Dr. Gorka.
When you get made to appear as a complete idiot like Doucy did with "Can you imagine if the United States accidentally shot down an a jetliner"? by a genius like Geraldo Rivera, it really says it all. Kilmeade jumping in to save Doucy with "We paid a lotta money" was a great topping.
(sounds retarded)
That was a pretty good one!
(sounds retarded)
I hope he does run! I can stand the pencil neck shifty Schiff! I want to ring his little neck till his head pops off!
(Old Spike)
schiff is what every boy should see before they turn 16 so they can look into the world of being a huge fagget if they turn demoncrat