UkraineGate - Inconvenient Facts

danmanjones's picture

Joe Biden, Friend Or Foe Of Corruption? Summary – Part 1 – A Not So Solid Prosecutor

Excerpts from a French documentary produced by Olivier Berruyer.

>> Watch the full video here


Summary: The prosecutor that Biden had removed from Ukraine was the only decent one they ever seem to have had. It also dives into corruption witin the Burisma energy company that's come under increased scrutiny recently due to a "Russian" hack & which Hunter Biden was receiving $83k per month to sit on the board of, despite having no experience in that industry.


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stokkebye's picture

WHaaaaaat! THAT HAS BEEN DEBUNKED! That is a debunked conspiracy theory being pushed by the Russians! Trump is just a Russian agent!

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Dagambit's picture

ah, sarcasm! how I have missed you.

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danmanjones's picture

I just got silenced on Twitter for a week for tweeting:

"Bernie is a Zionist. They can both go jump in the lake."

- I have no idea what's wrong with that tweet.


In Iraq news... 

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danmanjones's picture

I just got a strange notification from Twitter saying thanks for reporting a tweet, the author of the tweet was me (they think I reported myself?) & it said the tweet broke the rules against hateful conduct. Long story short, I think they interpreted the tweet saying "Bernie is a Zionist. They can both go jump in the lake." (referring to Bernie & Warren) as advocating violence against a religious group &/or nation. I'm guessing that because Bernie's a Jew that Twitter has interpretted it as a call to genocide Jews or some shit. Strange policies & never clear. Only thing that's clear is America is a cucked shithole.

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Evulva 1's picture

I totally see them making out in the thumbnail

2 old saggy balled politicians.



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