Bernie makes great point about electorate, rich liberals disagree

sato's picture

Bernie Dogpiled For Thoughtful Answer On Trump Voters

I think it's a great point and the host follows it up with a great analogy. I think he's right and these NYT people are not insightful enough to comprehend the situation of people who don't have the wealth they themselves have. Thoughts?

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danmanjones's picture

Bernie makes a good point. Secular Talk guy does too about the Treaty of Versailles but that one's pretty obvious. NYTimes is pro-establishment & pretty shallow. The mainstream discourse about domestic issues in America seems really disfunctional.

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sato's picture

agree, by why? because it's bought and paid for by those that profit from it? or some other reason?

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danmanjones's picture

Yeah the people dictating editorial policy are the 1%. They have no interest in solving class issues in America & would rather nobody did. Someone like Bernie isn't good for the bottom line - not just because of policy but because of the discourse he brings. They want the hyper-capitalism gravy train to keep coming & would prefer Joe Public focus on things like race.

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Evulva 1's picture

This comment makes sense.

Also smart correlation with 1920-1930's post ww1 poor Germany looking for a demogague to vent impoverished frustration while scapegoating "others".

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

That is what was said about trump years when and even before he was voted in. Some protest voters and many frustrated voted for him and of course all the far rightwingers, like some on here, that believe he is the new messiah and not the incompetent, conceptless and erratic fuck up he is.

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sato's picture

sure, and i get why they feel like they need a messiah. no-one else offers them anything at all except increasing hardship, and blind liberals in their high towers keep telling them they're terrible for voting for a chance in hell rather than the absolute zero chance offered by the democrats.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah it was such an enormously bad move to put Hillary up there as the token woman, even before trump was taken seriously.

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danmanjones's picture

CNN National Poll (Jan. 16-19) (Change since last month)

Bernie————————27% (+7)

Biden——————24% (-2)

Warren———14% (-2)

Pete———11% (+3)

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Although it probably would be benefitial not only to the US but to the rest of the world Bernie will NEVER be president.

If democrats want to win they will have to go with Biden.

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danmanjones's picture

I think he would be okay for the US, but his foreign policy sucks. If he teamed up with Tulsi he might be okay. He'd have to grow a spine though. He can't even stand up to the shallow state let alone the deep state.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Does his foreign policy suck more or less than that of trump?

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danmanjones's picture

It's hard to compare. Trump doesn't have a voting record & Bernie's never been prez.

I don't see Bernie as a hawk but he's proven himself to be interventionist & Zionist. I doubt he has the spine to keep the hawks from destroying more countries.

Trump's foreign policy, if you can call it that, really sucks but it's balanced out by the amount of soft power he pisses away & his ability to keep the War Party at bay. He's the perfect person to represent America & his honesty+incompetence is going to bring about a multipolar world order sooner IMO. That's what I'd like to see.

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