Is Bat Soup Tasty?


danmanjones's picture

The meats on sale at the fish/meat market the coronavirus was traced to are listed... bats aren't there. Don't let silly things like facts get in the way of a good China Bad angle though.

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monkeymania's picture

Was just seeing if it triggered you. Thanks for the answer. China says no bats, bats then! No break from sucking off China, huh? China great! Hope you are well compensated anyway. My God you are pathetic.



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danmanjones's picture

Bat soup is not "a popular delicacy in Wuhan, China", dumbass. Shows how desparate your China Bad cult is when you have to straight up lie.


The video of the Chinese girl eating bat soup was recorded in 2016 in Palau.


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monkeymania's picture

No bat soup in Wuhan, China? Incredible! China Great!

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lawngnome's picture

Our local expert finally realized bat soup is a Indo/Guinea dish.   Nope, No bats eaten in Wuhan Ever.   Orrr, they had bats in the back for sale, not listed.





" One more thing, and I'm surprised our local expert didn't chime in with this earlier, Bat Soup is a south pacific dish.  Meaning Indonesia, Vietnam, New Guinea area. "    Fri, 2020-01-24 10:37

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danmanjones's picture

I was kinda hoping the bat thing would stick around longer. Then once the coronavirus is traced properly all the Bat Soup people will be shown to be idiots.


Monkey figured it out & reposted that CIA "gutter oil" video that you posted last month. Looks like monkey was pissed he couldn't get the "Chinese people are disgusting" campaign going here & desparately tried to regain some traction.


This "Chinese people are gross" campaign was led by the CNN by the way on January 19th with the "civet cat" video. It's a typical example of American "journalism", covertly controlled by the US State Department, aiming to undermine a target nation's soft power.


What's funny & also sad is that you guys actually believe you have a free press & that you're not subject to the most sophisticated & thorough brainwashing apparatus in the world. You actually believe Chinese are more brainwashed haha.

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lawngnome's picture

Bout time CNN shaped up.



this is intersting.

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danmanjones's picture

Interesting to you & me in different ways.

The Wuhan Medical Board sent an alert out on 31st December about the spike in pnuemonia cases... it's likely this BlueDot "AI" software that Wired is promoting was triggered by this alert. I wonder how much BlueDot payed for this ad on Wired's website.


Here's a partial timeline of the breakout:–20_Wuhan_coronavirus_outbreak

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lawngnome's picture

That wiki timeline is boring and not super spicy. I like speculating and laughing until the truth comes out, It's way fun.

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danmanjones's picture

lol.  That article was kinda interesting now that I read a bit more. I've also seen a map of China where they tracked all people who travelled out of Wuhan by using their mobile phone purchase info.


I wonder if foreign governments have done enough to avoid letting it spread into their countries. North Korea closed the border to China immediately once human-human transmission was confirmed. Nobody else has afaik.


It's interesting that Japan has sent a million face masks to China while Taiwan has banned exporting face masks... shows what a bunch of haters the Taiwan govt is.

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monkeymania's picture

China is the hero here. Everyone else is to blame. China has done everything possible. Every other country's efforts are lacking.

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danmanjones's picture

Not China Great, Monkey Gullable.

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monkeymania's picture

Sure, but China not great? Sum ting wong wit yu!

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danmanjones's picture

If China was great because they don't serve bat soup in Wuhan then that would make your country great too & that would break the universe. It's like dividing by zero.

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monkeymania's picture

Are you 100% sure that you could not get a bowl of bat soup in Wuhan, China?

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danmanjones's picture

I'm 99.9% sure that the viral video of the girl in your video was filmed in another country & have been told that they don't eat bats in Wuhan or anywhere in China really. Some of the provinces further South may have rare exceptions but it's not a traditional Chinese dish in the North or South.


Are you 100% sure that you could get a bowl of bat soup in Wuhan, China?

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lawngnome's picture



I heard bats make good facemasks.

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monkeymania's picture

99.9% sure of the video. OK. Judging by the animals for sale in that "Seafood" market in Wunan, I think I could get bat soup there. 99.9% sure? No. 

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danmanjones's picture

First you're telling us bat soup is a "popular delicacy in Wuhan".

Now you're saying there's probably a fancy restaurant inside a wild meat market.


The theory has changed completely but the retard level is getting stronger. Bigotry will do that to ya.


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monkeymania's picture

Question: Are you 100% sure that you could get a bowl of bat soup in Wuhan, China?


Answer: Pretty much.


Response: AHA! GOTCHA! Now you're saying there's probably a fancy restaurant inside a wild meat market.


DinMin, your autism is so obvious at this point. You are screaming in constant posts and comments. Dial it down. Jump back on Liveleak or 10-20 other places. Cut back your bullshit on here. You are drowning this place with your tidal wave of craziness. We all get it. You are "China great!" and anything that points it out is wrong. The U.S. is ALL bad. China will save the world. I thought your reply to the Wuhan virus would be defensive but measured. It has been pure insanity. I've tested everything that shows the downside of the Chinese government and you react like an autustic brainwashed idiot newly realeased from a 20-year term in a Chinese re-education camp.


You have to either be autistic or just a 50 Cent Army stooge. End of story.


Cue standard triggered autistic DinMin reply:

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danmanjones's picture

I've tested everything that shows the downside of the Chinese government

Nope. You've posted a series of bigoted disinfo videos on this site like you have a hate boner for Chinese people.


I've yet to post videos about what I see as the good side of China. I'd rather just smear your shit hole country instead. When you chill out then I'll consider it.

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lawngnome's picture

Go to bed kid.

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monkeymania's picture

MMMMMMMMMMMM. Ain't nobody eatin bats in Wuhan, China. It's a lie.



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lawngnome's picture


Hopefully this makes it look like our bats are smiling at eachother.

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danmanjones's picture

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lawngnome's picture

Was that a 2 point...                                               5,


or a 3 pointer?











* not actually happy that there's a crazy mad virus coming out of china rn, just having some laughs online.

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Needless_Kane's picture

Image result for short round

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The Evil Bat's picture

I'll give it some flavour alright.

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