It was doctors who first tried to raise the alarm of the spread of the virus and they were detained and forced to sign confessions...
I know all about serpentza and claims against him by the CCP. You gotta believe the Chinese government because they always speak the truth. Just wanted a DinMin take on this.
Hit it DinMin:
(10 votes)
(Long Spike)
The Chinese government says it's all under control. It looks under control to me.
(Long Spike)
Disinfo generation:
(Old Spike)
Hmm believe the UN World Health Organisation or a guy living in the US with a long history of spreading disinfo. Decisions, decisions.
(Long Spike)
The World Health Organisation? The comments made are from people who aren't in China either praising their response. It's being heavily criticized.
More DinMin. More. Is it under control as the Chinese government says?
(Old Spike)
Yeah the UN World Health Organisation. The international team of professionals who deal with pandemics. You can take the word of a China Bad disinfo guy & uncritically swallow a narrative pushed by Sky "News", it's your call.
The part he says about a doctor posting a message about a SARS outbreak in early December is true. It's packaged in his usual plethora of disinfo but the doctor part isn't disinfo. It's caused a public outcry in China & China's top court has criticised the local police in Wuhan for doing that.
Serpentza the Sth African clown is saying it was "8 doctors" - a total fabrication, just like most everything he said. Whether allowing that SARS rumour to spread would have made any difference is hard to tell. Likely there are government opacity issues in December that could have exacerbated the problem & China will no doubt make reforms to improve their response if this ever happens again.
(Long Spike)
Oh well. I tried. No comment on "everything is under control" coming from the Chinese government, just "but the World Health Organisation said" even though they have now said it's very serious.
I guess I should have just gone to Chinese government state media but thanks anyway.
(Old Spike)
"everything is under control" is a straw man. They're in challenging times, that's their narrative. Not that there's nothing to worry about or that it's all under control as you claim.
(Long Spike)
The Chinese government said everything was under control and there was nothing to worry about in early January. The WHO has now upgraded the situation with the Wuhan coronavirus to "a global health emergency".
The Chinese National Health Commission said Tuesday, “Everything's very normal, everyone's just wearing masks, nothing more.”
Let me guess, you believe everything from Chinese state media.
(Old Spike)
Your quote is more disinfo.
It comes from a Wuhan resident, not the Health Commission
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Yes, disinfo.
You falsely attributed a quote - you lied about its origin.
That's disinfo.
I've just proven it beyond doubt and you're still in denial. You're a basket case.
(Long Spike)
DinMin, you are a sad, autistic, fool.....or just a lame CCP operative. Period. There is no other explanation for your idiocy.
(Old Spike)
OK russiagate hoaxer.
(Long Spike)
AHA! That's your go to when you are triggered by truth. I'm sticking with CCP operative.
(Old Spike)
When you refuse to acknowledge blatantly false info that's all you deserve. Plus, it's true. You should own it.
Squirm more, RussiaGate hoaxer.
(Old Spike)
So they did not arrest doctors for claiming that there was a new virus?
(Old Spike)
The story about a doctor who posted to social media the story that SARS was found in Wuhan was spoken to by police seems to checkout (I stated this above). No arrest was made afaik, it was one of their "come down to the station" deals. This suppression is something that has pissed off a lot of Chinese people & there's a bit of a blame game going on.
The timeline of the outbreak is still coming to light. AFAIK the first case was December 1 & the doctor + ~8 journalists were suppressed on December 8. The next cases were discovered on December 11. I think by Jan 1st when the Wuhan medical authorities began posting daily warnings there were 27 total confirmed cases. This is just from my memory, the 27 figure may be off.
IMO there are valid criticisms about how it was dealt with in the early stages, as there is with any pandemic. There's been a ruling made by China's highest court critical of the police actions on December 8. There are no doubt politics going on within the party & authorities of where to place the blame but I don't know all the details.
When the dust settles there will no doubt be reform within China's emergency planning - particularly transparency between departments. The public outcry may push media reform towards a more open & free media, I don't expect drastic changes here but ya never know.
(Long Spike)
all news says the same even chinese government television news says – Level 1 emergency response activated in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities on the Chinese mainland, even al-jazeera