meh, the painting isnt as important and the lore and gameplay... its also nice to have a full competative army in 24 hours.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
He works pretty fast. I'm on my first army, been chipping away for monthes.
He can get 22 figures acceptable in a day. I'm lucky to get 1 figure from box to painted in that time.
Definitely not champions. Those can take 4 times as long as a pleb.
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bannik (Site Moderator)
watcha building?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
DeathGuard. I grabbed 2 dark Imperium halves for 60 bucks CAD each.
Got half the poxwalkers based and painted, everything else in the sets clipped, polished and categorized in bags.
Stuck on a couple of basing schemes for the plague marines, plus I'm trying to get the hang of green stuff molding and cutting plasticard.
My room mate is doing Tyranids. Once the armies are done we want to make a Catachan jungle table. Secured a 8 ft by 4 ft table delivered for 70 bucks. It was a steal.
My starter army is about 1300 ish points
poxwalker x 40
Plague Marine x14
Bloat drone x 2
Plaguecaster x 1
Noxious Blight bringer x1
Typhus (Planned)
The sets also come with 2 lord of contagion another caster and blightbringer, but I'll either resell those or keep them for conversion parts, as they arn't going to be a part of my build.
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bannik (Site Moderator)
Kudos, Nurgle is one of my fav gods... best for conversions as well... keep me posted, havent played warhammer in ages and had to give away my collection (to young local players) but will get back into it sometime in the future...
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Will do, I'm thinking about doing a spiked presentation once we are ready to play.
We are looking at ways to make a channel based on battle reports but with a higher emphasis on presentation, professionalism, and we want to have a 3rd "NPC" as a game master with random events.
I decided a long time ago if I was to have any internet presence I would do my beta in Spiked. The harshest critics will provide the best advice.
(Site Moderator)
Who would downvote warhammer? It's the best
(Old Spike)
Bad painters
(Site Moderator)
meh, the painting isnt as important and the lore and gameplay... its also nice to have a full competative army in 24 hours.
(Old Spike)
He works pretty fast. I'm on my first army, been chipping away for monthes.
He can get 22 figures acceptable in a day. I'm lucky to get 1 figure from box to painted in that time.
Definitely not champions. Those can take 4 times as long as a pleb.
(Site Moderator)
watcha building?
(Old Spike)
DeathGuard. I grabbed 2 dark Imperium halves for 60 bucks CAD each.
Got half the poxwalkers based and painted, everything else in the sets clipped, polished and categorized in bags.
Stuck on a couple of basing schemes for the plague marines, plus I'm trying to get the hang of green stuff molding and cutting plasticard.
My room mate is doing Tyranids. Once the armies are done we want to make a Catachan jungle table. Secured a 8 ft by 4 ft table delivered for 70 bucks. It was a steal.
My starter army is about 1300 ish points
poxwalker x 40
Plague Marine x14
Bloat drone x 2
Plaguecaster x 1
Noxious Blight bringer x1
Typhus (Planned)
The sets also come with 2 lord of contagion another caster and blightbringer, but I'll either resell those or keep them for conversion parts, as they arn't going to be a part of my build.
(Site Moderator)
Kudos, Nurgle is one of my fav gods... best for conversions as well... keep me posted, havent played warhammer in ages and had to give away my collection (to young local players) but will get back into it sometime in the future...
(Old Spike)
Will do, I'm thinking about doing a spiked presentation once we are ready to play.
We are looking at ways to make a channel based on battle reports but with a higher emphasis on presentation, professionalism, and we want to have a 3rd "NPC" as a game master with random events.
I decided a long time ago if I was to have any internet presence I would do my beta in Spiked. The harshest critics will provide the best advice.