Coronavirus Disinfo #2

danmanjones's picture


Debunking some more disinfo being spread about this virus by China Bad cult leader Laowhy86.


IMO criticism of how things have been handled is fine but disinfo doesn't help anyone. It tends to make things worse.


There are a couple of things I don't agree with Nathan on here, partly because I'm not 100% clear on them yet.

The "doctors tried to warn of SARS" thing is written about here [link]. It doesn't quite line up with what Nathan says.

The most legit timeline I've seen so far about the medical aspects of the outbreak is here [link].




For perspective - the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic could have been used for an America Bad agenda, eg.

America Killed Over a Million People Worldwide in 2009 by Letting Swine Flu Spread for Years!


- [source]




- Where was the scrutiny of America regime during the Swine Flue pandemic?

- Is it ethical to spread disinfo to make the Swine Flu, the American government / society / people / values appear worse than they are?

(What if the advertising money you can make is really good?)


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monkeymania's picture

Can't believe you are pushing Nathan Rich, the ex-Scientologist felon, AGAIN. Well, yes I can.



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danmanjones's picture

Pushing back on disinformation is a good thing, no?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras


this is the real pic

thats the real one cause only 12 thousand or so died in the states and the virus was in mexico before the pandemic. it also had 5 different strains, including 1 swine from asia

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danmanjones's picture

The 2009 American Swine Flu outbreak came mostly from American swine from what I can tell. The majority of viruses that combined to form that H1N1 strain trace back to the US according to the study linked under the other graphic [link].


It's often reported as starting in Mexico but that deosn't seem to line up with the facts. It seems to be a mutation with a deep history even going back past the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic but in the 20th century there were several times it surfaced in the US.


The graphics you posted both show the same data, the only difference is the highlight & the flag - they're just there for clarity & to make a point.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you can post what ever dumb shit you want and say it in a manor that makes you feel better, meanwhile were watching your fucking house burn down and the embers are catching onto the neighbors house will you're trying to tell us everything is ok and to remember that time another fire happened...


instead of using try the cdc


now you have to keep in mind, those links to the cdc DO NOT HAVE the CGTN(chinese government sponsored news) stamp of approval. so you know, enter at your own risk

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danmanjones's picture

you can post what ever dumb shit you want

that's the point


H1N1 is very much an American virus though. It's reported as coming from Mexico but dig deeper & you'll notice it's something that's been cropping up & mutating in the US at various 

times in the past century.


What you're asking me to do is rather than use a peer-reviewed scientific paper, to use what amounts to a press release from a US government agency as a source.


Compare that info on the CDC info to the info I supplied on & tell me which you believe is more scientific, credible & in-depth rwt where H1N1 came from.


Here's the scientific paper:

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

no. you're not going to read the info anyways, all i'll give you is a quote from the link you posted.

"Given that S-OIV contains genes of Eurasian origin"

you got to open your eyes when you converse with me

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danmanjones's picture

Yeah, "contains genes of Eurasian origin" - note the word "contains" (it's a mix of several strains incl one from Europe) - the majority of the virus is of American origin, including the strain of Eurasian origin if you trace it back further.


That doesn't refute the point that the 2009 outbreak of the Swine Flu virus began in America & the American government knew about it but failed to respond adequately for 2+ years.

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