7 people were removed from a flight from Hong Kong to Toronto, Canada with high fevers. Medics in protective suits picked them up and took them off the flight. The spread of the Wuhan coronavirus has accelerated rapidly. Hong Kong not immediately closing its borders with China has been disastrous. Medical workers in Hong Kong are striking to try to force closing the border with China.
When people are crammed together in a tube of recirculating air for 10+ hours, it's the perfect breeding ground for pathogens. The new coronavirus is spreading worldwide at a rapid rate due to the lack of action by governments to shut off flights from China which is now happening WAY too late. Canada has allowed flights from China for WEEKS after the initial spread of the virus in China. Pure idiocy. A true killer virus would kill billions in weeks in this scenario.
The guy with the "To hell with a mask" attitude is great. He might just be thinking that everyone breathing the same air for such a long period makes masks a joke anyway. Noone is wearing eye protection. A plastic water bottle maybe?
(Long Spike)
Countries in Asia are doing what they can like disinfecting passengers exiting flights.
(Old Spike)
Spraying them with antiseptic.
(Old Spike)
return to sender
(Old Spike)
n95/n99 masks can make a significant difference.
WHO says the focus should be on preventing it from getting into countries with inadequate medical facilities. They say there's no need for travel bans but I dunno about that.
NZ has just halted all flights in from China, saying it's mainly to prevent it spreading into the Pacific Islands - we have a large PI community here. There was a measles outbreak in Samoa recently & it was a shambles, partly due to anti-vaxxers. NZ still has no confirmed cases, once again proving our racial superiority.
(Long Spike)
Opened up a box today filled with expensive respirators, surgical masks, N95 masks, sealed goggles, and gloves. I used them for construction projects and cleaning to fully furnish the 2nd floor of a barn a few years back. I just need a hazmat suit and I've got a fighting chance. I was thinking about shipping the surgical masks at least, I have hundreds of them but they might be needed around here soon.
(Old Spike)
You don't need a hazmat suit just get a water cooler bottle, it's cheaper & multipurpose.
(Long Spike)
"countries with inadequate medical facilities", like California? heyyyyoooooooo
*It's honestly horrendeous, the amount of incompetence and straight caca poopoo beaurocracy one must juggle in order to survive in this mad land. I've been witness to some bulllllllshit, i'll tell you jjjjwhat.
(sounds retarded)
Nothing to see here people, the flu is more deadly, carry on!
(Long Spike)
Remember being labelled racist because we were scared + fascinated about a crazy gnarly virus coming out of the weird and backwards China?
And that was before a crackhead attacked a lady and called her a diseased bitch.
(Old Spike)
YOU were called racist by me because you called my Chinese friends "dispicable heathens" based solely on their being Chinese.
Be honest.
(Old Spike)
you got a chinese friend? looks like we found a chink in your armour
(Long Spike)
WHO is just now going into ChiChi to inspect. wow