Construction took 6 days, outfitting & other prep took 3 days.
It's now been handed over to the PLA & ready to receive patients in Wuhan, they'll begin arriving tomorrow.
(2 votes)
Construction took 6 days, outfitting & other prep took 3 days.
It's now been handed over to the PLA & ready to receive patients in Wuhan, they'll begin arriving tomorrow.
(Long Spike)
You have to admit, throwing up holding area buildings for quarantined people like that is an impressive feat. That took some effort. It's almost as if the Chinese government is expecting the situation to ramp up.
Hope it's solid construction and they didn't cut any corners.
(Old Spike)
would yould you like to comment on this post?
it's awfully quiet in there.
(sounds retarded)
Stop being a shill for China, its getting annoying! This warhouse is only to house the sick and dying, who cares? It aint gonna help!
(Old Spike)
meh, go fuck yourself. This is interesting.
If it hurts your fee fees to watch don't click on it.
(Long Spike)
it would be easier to put a poll out, no china february. then we can put up post talking about how great the other asian countries are
(Old Spike)
That sounds like a good idea but we might need to make it April to allow the poll a week or 2 to gather steam & then we'll have a full month of the policy to be in place.
I'll see if the bossman can put it up.
(Long Spike)
from what i hear, people are dying to get in