Tue, 2020-02-04 06:30 — daftcunt Donald Trump congratulates the chiefs as great state of Kansas instead of Missouri lol Video of Donald Trump congratulates the chiefs as great state of Kansas instead of Missouri lol Prior geography was simply fake! Not even the haters can change that: 5 Average: 5 (1 vote)
(Old Spike)
What's the chances he can point to Ukraine on a map.
(Long Spike)
Not a nation renown for it's knoweledge of geography! Not a presedent famed for his intellect or knoweledge.
(Old Spike)
Is it really worth pointing this out as an apology? Is this really what you think is important about the message?
(Long Spike)
Like Trumptard Nation, Trump himself isn't the sharpest Sharpie in the drawer. Take a knee Little Donnie Doll Hands.