Had to stop watching as he explained the North Korean famine without mentioning the natural disasters & economic problems that lead to it. 1990s in DPRK were dark times largely due to the collapse of the USSR, something he really just mentions in passing. Once the Russian 'big brother' was done & dusted the US began sanctions on DPRK starting in 1993. Then with the flooding in 1995 the country was in ruins & couldn't feed itself. He blames the DPRK leadership but or the wrong reasons. They decided to pull out of the NPT which ramped up the US economic aggression so they're not blameless.
This geographics channel is extremely Western-biased & pretty shallow 2bh. Not much use expecting to learn anything from it, it kinda just warps things.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
It was a mercy for the people to die.
No doubt starvation is unbelieveably painful.
But add the up pain of those 6 monthes and it still wouldn't equal what an average citizen suffers in their lifetime there.
Where NK is undeniably at fault is that they didn't do everything they could to save their people. They did everything they could to save their shitty penal system.
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Had to stop watching as he explained the North Korean famine without mentioning the natural disasters & economic problems that lead to it. 1990s in DPRK were dark times largely due to the collapse of the USSR, something he really just mentions in passing. Once the Russian 'big brother' was done & dusted the US began sanctions on DPRK starting in 1993. Then with the flooding in 1995 the country was in ruins & couldn't feed itself. He blames the DPRK leadership but or the wrong reasons. They decided to pull out of the NPT which ramped up the US economic aggression so they're not blameless.
This geographics channel is extremely Western-biased & pretty shallow 2bh. Not much use expecting to learn anything from it, it kinda just warps things.
(Old Spike)
It was a mercy for the people to die.
No doubt starvation is unbelieveably painful.
But add the up pain of those 6 monthes and it still wouldn't equal what an average citizen suffers in their lifetime there.
Where NK is undeniably at fault is that they didn't do everything they could to save their people. They did everything they could to save their shitty penal system.