Truth About the Coronavirus

monkeymania's picture

The Truth About the Coronavirus

Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain breaks down the deep background of this radical new health threat.

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)


danmanjones's picture

Disinfo @3:20

Claim: Chinese eating habits (wildlife etc) have come from famine induced by collectivisation measures of the communist party.

Truth: eating wildlife is nothing new in China, nor is famine. Famines were a regular occurance before 1949 when the communist party took power, averaging 1 per year for the part 2000 years. There was a famine there under the Republic of China in 1929, 1939 and 1942. During the previous Qing dynasty, they were made worse when their economy was decimated by colonial powers, particularly the British, a capitalist empire. There has been 1 major famine in china since 1949 when the communist party took power. It was from 1959-1961. It was a result of natural disaster, incompetent bureaucracy, bad domestic policy, bad trade policy and international sanctions.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

So they don't eat koala bears and other strange animals? the lack of hygiene in China is not a secret, of all tests of money bills China came out the worst having the dirtiest money in the world shit saliva viruses and bacteria's are all over the money in high concentrations, and i dont think these food stalls have means of washing hands, and they don't accept plastic payment either.

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danmanjones's picture

Generally they eat a wide variety of things compared to us. Exotic animals like koala bears are not common.


Dirty cash probably indicates how often it's refreshed but they generally don't use cash for buying things any more, most transactions are done with phones - around 90%, the rest are with card or in rare occasions cash...a lot of places don't even bother accepting cash these days.


I travelled to a bunch of provinces there last year & didn't find any bathrooms with no hand-washing facilities. They probably exist in any country if you look hard enough. Hygene standards in public bathrooms seemed so-so, kinda like here. The only gross one I saw was in a restaurant where lots of people were drunk as fuck.

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danmanjones's picture

Disinfo @20:25

Claim: new tang dynasty tv is an outlet from china

Truth: ntdtv is a front for the falun gong, an anti-CCP cult which is banned in china


The spin in this section, based on the falun gong outlet he cited, is that morgues are being overwhelemed & therefore the govt is probably covering up the real death rate of the virus. More death could be due a bunch of other factors, eg the hospitals having been overwhelmed, the transport systems being shut down.

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danmanjones's picture

Funny to call this video 'truth' when half of it is rumours & speculation. 

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Ziggy's picture

Hey danmanjones, just curious, and I mean no offense... do you live in China?

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danmanjones's picture

nah new zealand & no I'm not chinese

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sli0701948's picture

Finally the TRUTH! It's time to panic right? Right?! 5/5 for title

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lawngnome's picture

Gnarly gnarly stuff


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monkeymania's picture

Spreading lies and disinfo like that would get you locked up in China!

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