The pangolin is currently the most likely animal to have transmitted the 2019-nConV to humans. [link]
It may have started with bats & gone bat-pangolin-human.
It's the most trafficked mammal in the world with over 1M smuggled in the past decade.
Pangolins are consumed for food & traditional medicine & used for decoration.
The only group known to work on pangolin conservation is the WWF.
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
Latest stats with change in the past 2 days show:
- recovery rate going up in every region
- fatality rate about the same, slightly higher in most regions
- still no deaths outside of Asia & just 1 outside of China
Rough guesswork, based on 2% fatality rate...
100k cases = 2,000 deaths
500k cases = 10,000 deaths
1,000 cases outside Asia = 20 deaths
- for comparison:
~27 people on average per day are killed in America from drunk driving
~38 people on average per day are killed in America from gun homocide
~175 people on average per year are killed in America from peanut allergies
- new cases per day may have peaked on Feb 5
- death rate linear since Feb 5
- recovery rate exponential
(Old Spike)
it's china dude. you don't have to tell us that they eat them and use them for traditional medicine. everything that walks, crawls, swims or flies is eaten and used for traditional medicine.
(Old Spike)