The term "foreign born" refers to people residing in the United States who were not U.S. citizens at birth. This population includes naturalized citizens, lawful permanent residents (LPRs), certain legal nonimmigrants (e.g., persons on student or work visas), those admitted under refugee or asylee status, and persons illegally residing in the United States.
(2 votes)
(Old Spike)
the term "foreign born" refers to people born outside the country they live in. thats why australians living in new zealand are refered to as foreign born and not aussie born kiwis
(Old Spike)
where were you born, Jay?
(Old Spike)
a small city that straddles the canadian/american border. a quaint little town called cornwall, ontario.
(Old Spike)
you ever left your country?
(Old Spike)
yea. mexico, jamaica, dominican and some islands, 4 years + ago travel to america every other month. casino or just to get to another part of canada. cornwalls one of the first destinations of immigrants into canada. not as french as montreal and alot smaller than ottawa. get alot of indians and asians. growing up i had had chinese, vietnamese friends. can understand broken english pretty good.
(Old Spike)
So without ever leaving North America you can describe the nuance of Australasian culture. Amazin
(Old Spike)
not sure if this is a trap where if i return the ad hominem attack i get sparta kicked down the hole.
were both in commonwealth countries, we speak the same english. have large neighbours whos politics dominates our own. we have aborinials that get the short end of the stick. we both signed this letter
just generalizing i think i get can the gist.
but the word "foreign" predates USA. its an english word based of a french one based of a latin one.
how is your cantonese/mandorine? i had a chinese friend in high school and i was around him enough to repeat something he would say often enough. i think he said it was either asshole or mother fucker. i only know how to type it phonetically.
(Old Spike)
There you go again. Aus doesn't dominate NZ politics at all. The definition of "foreign born" as it relates to the stats presented is in the description. If you wanna be cute, stick to things you know about like moose or ice hockey.
(Old Spike)
My girlfriend asked me to kiss her where it stinks, so I drove her to Cornwall
(Old Spike)
very possible, domtar stunk up the place. it closed 15 years ago but were you aware that the japanese killed millions and took chinese comfort wives during ww2?