WHO says there's no problem with transparency & the Chinese response has been unprecedented.
4:00 - "Let me stress - China is doing the right thing, China is responding in a massive way. This team is not going to help or assist China, it's to work in collaboration with Chinese experts...the response is fully underway in China, this team is to go in and learn lessons & to work with Chinese experts, to learn as much as we can about this disease."
8:25 - Lauds "the absolute relentless & focused determination of the government of China to put the health of the people of China ahead of anything else " incl the economic hit. "The number & level of meetings was inprecedented"... "when a government it that committed, when a government is willing to be that transparent, we do have a chance [to contain it]."
12:55 - Having the full genome of the virus available within days, available to the public & to diagnose people in other countries is unprecedented.
14:15 - Q: Why was information suppressed? A: It wasn't. They've had red alerts since 1st January. The amount of info they've published is state-of-the-art. Q: Has China been transparent? A: Yes they've been very open. We've seen no obvious lack of transparency. There are issues about transparency in other countries, including America. There is no comparison between the transparency in this case with the SARS outbreak.
WHO Press Release:
Western media reporting:
(Long Spike)
You know me posting that video was in part to show how you auto jump and smear people's posts too, yeah?
You can delete this if you want, I got you to show your cards and I'm busy with life again so have a good one danman. smiley face
And bro, if that's you fucking with my network all the time (can't think of who else is that pathetic)...
(Old Spike)
I don't hack people, there's no point. I may hack an institution if I had the skills but I don't. Reboot your router & maybe restart your PC. If it's still fucky check the ISP's website for issues & call them if nothing else works. I don't smear people's posts I critique the content & give my opinion & only ever get personal after other people start shit with me & refuse to discuss the topic. On the political stuff I'm more interested in comparing your logic to mine & debating the topic. I'm not interested in smearing anyone here, or the outlet who publishes the info unless they're super incredulous like the US State Dept for example. I think I'm pretty patient with you guys, although less so lately. The comment you made was removed just because it was a special case. I'm committed to this being a free speech zone & maybe shoulda left it there. Just seemed seemed to be an obvious troll attempt with nothing to do with the post. I don't want people to spam random shit on my posts just to get back at me for previous arguments we've had, it's unhealthy for the site. Make a new post if you wanna post unrelated content to make a statement. Generally anything goes on political posts but that one wasn't politics, it was about people so I took exception.
(Long Spike)
I picked up someone from planetside 2 with my "conversing and such", I'm thinking. A "danimator" and his friends.
It was honestly a, I had seen it prior - saw them yelling "add oil" - knew it'd irk you a bit and give others more insight into why they were yelling that. I like that word, irk.
(Old Spike)
oic. I skimmed through the video 'Trump v Xi' or something & didn't notice anything related to the apartment people, I guess I misinterpreted wtf you were getting at. You can be a bit cryptic sometimes, eg. that first paragraph you just wrote. I've no idea what that means. No drama, we're all freaks here.
(Long Spike)
Planetside is a game, I picked up a salty hacker. : (
It's the way I write, shorthand almostish. It came from having to text & leave notes for deaf family, i'm thinking.
It wasn't all that bad, Xi gave a speech about lifting people out of poverty, in which he said that term "add oil". https://youtu.be/qsrqk_DeZeE?t=88 . I was trying to give you some insight, keep at our little scrap, and autojump on your post. hah, I'm a huge PITA when I want to be : )
(Old Spike)
Ah right. Yeah I watched his new years address when he put it out. He's going hard trying to eliminate the last remnants of 'poverty' this year, whatever that is, I think it's people living on less than $1.50 per day or something. Jiayou/'add oil' is a common rallying cry in Chinese culture. It's like a strength & unity thing. They spam it at sporting events. I went to a UFC in Shenzhen last year & the crowd kept errupting with it whenever their fighter needed a boost. I tried to join in but it seemed a bit weird as a foreigner lol.
(Site Moderator)
" UFC in Shenzhen last year " cause you live in china and are a chinese Etroll.
(Site Moderator)
so are you running spiked now? what the gist... I need info on whats happened to spike, who is left, who remains... whats happening.
(Old Spike)
think it started off as he was just going to be making updates and then he went full china syndrome.
(Old Spike)
Nakey manages the site. I patched things up when an 'upgrade' from the previous developer went South & he bailed. Some old school users are still around, some only show up occasionally & some have fallen away.. if you name some names I'll tell you if they're still around.
Site is kinda in stasis & is just a corner of the web where we can share interesting stuff & argue about politics - no marketing is going on to grow it atm. It's been this way for a few years. Next priority is to make things work better on mobile & then look at doing a live chat. Further upgrades are being held up by a clunky framework & pure laziness.
(Site Moderator)
well I am back now so its all better now...
(Long Spike)
World Health Org is just now entering China to inspect...
(Long Spike)
But they aren't allowed into the majorly affected areas of Wuhan and Hubei.
"The epidemic-stricken Hubei is not included in the international expert team's destinations, which, according to experts, is because the province is at a vital time combating the epidemic, and cannot spare time and people to receive the experts."
(Old Spike)
they also arrested a civil rights activist