Self Sacrifice Propaganda. Nobody does it better than ChiChi.
^ 0:27 , Men seen observing the situation. "Minders", I call them.
(2 votes)
(Long Spike)
If you comment first, Danman can't.
(Old Spike)
This video got ripped to shreds online in China. People were outraged about the way these women are being treated & how their suffering is being used so blatantly for propaganda.
(Long Spike)
Good. But why the hell did they even try to prop this up as a good thing? God. Can you imagine the Chinese propaganda meetings or get together soon where they'd spitball idears at one another.
"So we got people shaving their heads heading into/out of quarintine, how are we gonna spin this"?
"Great Chinese citizens sacrificing their hair for the greater good of China"! Screams the new guy.
"Ok, let's go with that".
(Long Spike)
They shaped it differently, they took out the crying and added some nice music.
(Old Spike)
Chinese govt are total noobs with propaganda. They've been finding some success in showing the sacrafices made by health workers but went too far with this & whoever produced it is an idiot.
The shaven head story was actually primed, they didn't need to force the issue. A lot of medical staff across China were shaving their heads just in case they were called up to go to Wuhan & as a sign of solidarity with the health workers on the frontlines. Someone in the state TV apparatus turned the story into another propaganda fail by making this dumb video.
(Site Administrator)
know what, i'm going to weigh in on this video just to point something out: