A senior official at the CDC had warned that the Spread of COVID-19 coronavirus in the US is not a matter of whether but when, and Americans need to prepare for their lives to be disrupted.
“It’s not so much a question of if this will happen any more, but rather more a question of exactly when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illness,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, Head of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said during a conference call with reporters on Tuesday.
“We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad,” she added, stressing, "Disruption to everyday life might be severe."
Reduce sugar and only eat moderate fat. Avoid carbohydrates that don't naturally come in your veg.
Build up your vitamins in your system and get your overall fitness in order now.
If you get sick You should be eating vegetables and drinking plenty of water and crank vitamin C. Also eat a raw clove of garlic with honey as often as you can stand it. No less than twice a day, more if you can.
The better overall condition you are in now, the higher your chances of fighting infection. The more healthy you eat when sick, the more likely you will recover.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
+1 for increasing your fitness. It attacks your lungs so get off your ass & walk/run you lazy f*cks (me included). Also, this:
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
This is what I posted on my facebook page two days ago, told my freinds and family this about 5 days ago, told my girlfreind and started prepping about 2 weeks ago(Now im stocking up on fishing and hunting stuff just in case, I got a nice camp deep in the woods.):
Covid19 Survival prep:
1. Get a shotgun with buckshot for home defense against intruders. Do what you have to do to make that shotgun more useful for home protection, I cant mention that shit otherwise the government may come a knockin, hopefully you get my meaning. You dont have to be good with buckshot but you should have a semi-auto large capcity and use it a few times and keep it clean and oiled. Pistol if you can get one(Fuck you anti-gun assholes!)
2. Stock up on food and household items for 6 months if possible.
3. Get a good mask/respirator, surgical gloves, disinfectants and stock up on first aid kit.
4. Get cold and flu medicines and antibiotics if possible. Be ready for hospitals to be full, over run, out of supplies or out of doctors and nurses. This is happening in China now. So be self reliant.
5. Think about products you can buy now that you may need later as those products may not be available much longer. China has shut down manufacturing. Think canning pots and jars and fishing and hunting gear. You need a pressure pot to get the water temp higher than 212 degrees to kill botulism. Hot water method will seal your jars and they will be good for 3-6 months in the fridge depending on the acidity levels but items without acid levels high enough, you need a pressure pot.
6. Store up on gasoline. 5-10 gallons. Its only good for 3 months before it starts to break down so rotate it out if need be.
7. Stock up on 5-10 gallons of water. Get a hand pump hiking ceramic filter if you think you may need one.
8. Think about holding neighborhood meeting, get to know your neighbors, ask them to prep as well. You dont want them asking you for food when your stocks are running down too. Find out who is military and think about neighborhood security. If there are elderly get their contact info so you can check up on them later if the shit hits the fan.
Watch the movie Contagion to get an idea of worse case scenarios. This movie was based on information giving to them by virus and disease experts and crisis management experts. They did a pretty good job with the movie and it could very well happen to be that bad. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst!
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
might wanna add masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, goggles, air filters & anti-bacterial detergents to your shopping list.... don't forget to fight the virus when you're battling the zombie hordes.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I would reccomend ditch the cold and flue medicines. Anything that relieves symptoms could make your illness worse.
Symptoms are not the ROOT sickness, they are your bodies way of fighting it. Don't suppress them. If you bought a bunch, I'd take them back and get more water and food.
Antibiotics are good if you develope a different infection, such as a wound. But they wont kill a virus. Do keep in mind that they expire after about a year.
Also. Bochilism can only survive in areas with zero oxygen. Such as food stored in oil. Anything stored with water will have different issues. I don't know MUCH more about it than that, but that is a staple of food safety. I'm not convinced pressure cookers will kill it. I wouldn't risk it. What I do know is about Mushrooms stored in oil. They have to be SPOTLESS. NOT ONE FRAGMENT OF DIRT can exist with them, or they could breed the bacteria.
Consider this next part carefully, as to not get paranoid, but be careful who you tell that about your prep in your community. Take stock of the people you know. Those who are bad friends, low lives or toxic now, could turn against you if things get bad. You don't need them coming to your door with a horde of desperate people to raid your prep. Only trust those you KNOW are like minded and would have your back through thick and thin.
Having guns is good, but please don't romantisize the idea that your gear and ammo will make you invincible. It's better not to draw attention in the first place, than deal with a bunch of raiders or a desperate horde. If you HAVE to protect your family... After it's over you need to leave right away. More will come if they think your territory has something worth protecting like a gold mine of supplies.
Don't barter with anyone that comes knocking unless you KNOW them like your brother. As soon as you hand something out, they'll be back, and maybe with more.
Also, on water, 5-10 gallons isn't enough. 1 gallon per day per person.
I would also throw in water purification tablets to the list. LOTS. They can last up to 5 years.
I'm going to post an old prep video that presents a big problem, without solutions. The guy didn't provide the solutions so he could keep his own plan private. But I think it's an important thing to consider and our community of smart people can start working out ideas here. It's important to watch the whole thing, because he will tell you about ways you can be detected that you may not have considered. Stay tuned.
Finally to end this mini novel. The chances of the apocalypse happening is IMMENSELY small. What your looking at is a few weeks to a couple of monthes of instability. So don't take the list of videos below as a WORLD IS ENDING WE SHOULD HAVE LISTENED! Type of discussion. Just stuff to keep in mind from a mini blackout or disruption of services, To POTENTIAL, long term survival.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
china has changed the definition of infected 6 times. 2 of them were within 24 hours and WHO says its not a pandemic but risk is "very high". i'm sure there still a "very very high" and a "very very very high" before they go pandemic
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
A senior official at the CDC had warned that the Spread of COVID-19 coronavirus in the US is not a matter of whether but when, and Americans need to prepare for their lives to be disrupted.
“It’s not so much a question of if this will happen any more, but rather more a question of exactly when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illness,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, Head of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said during a conference call with reporters on Tuesday.
“We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad,” she added, stressing, "Disruption to everyday life might be severe."
(Old Spike)
Some tips that I'd like to add.
Start eating more vegetables and moderate fruits.
Reduce sugar and only eat moderate fat. Avoid carbohydrates that don't naturally come in your veg.
Build up your vitamins in your system and get your overall fitness in order now.
If you get sick You should be eating vegetables and drinking plenty of water and crank vitamin C. Also eat a raw clove of garlic with honey as often as you can stand it. No less than twice a day, more if you can.
The better overall condition you are in now, the higher your chances of fighting infection. The more healthy you eat when sick, the more likely you will recover.
(Old Spike)
+1 for increasing your fitness. It attacks your lungs so get off your ass & walk/run you lazy f*cks (me included). Also, this:
(sounds retarded)
This is what I posted on my facebook page two days ago, told my freinds and family this about 5 days ago, told my girlfreind and started prepping about 2 weeks ago(Now im stocking up on fishing and hunting stuff just in case, I got a nice camp deep in the woods.):
Covid19 Survival prep:
1. Get a shotgun with buckshot for home defense against intruders. Do what you have to do to make that shotgun more useful for home protection, I cant mention that shit otherwise the government may come a knockin, hopefully you get my meaning. You dont have to be good with buckshot but you should have a semi-auto large capcity and use it a few times and keep it clean and oiled. Pistol if you can get one(Fuck you anti-gun assholes!)
2. Stock up on food and household items for 6 months if possible.
3. Get a good mask/respirator, surgical gloves, disinfectants and stock up on first aid kit.
4. Get cold and flu medicines and antibiotics if possible. Be ready for hospitals to be full, over run, out of supplies or out of doctors and nurses. This is happening in China now. So be self reliant.
5. Think about products you can buy now that you may need later as those products may not be available much longer. China has shut down manufacturing. Think canning pots and jars and fishing and hunting gear. You need a pressure pot to get the water temp higher than 212 degrees to kill botulism. Hot water method will seal your jars and they will be good for 3-6 months in the fridge depending on the acidity levels but items without acid levels high enough, you need a pressure pot.
6. Store up on gasoline. 5-10 gallons. Its only good for 3 months before it starts to break down so rotate it out if need be.
7. Stock up on 5-10 gallons of water. Get a hand pump hiking ceramic filter if you think you may need one.
8. Think about holding neighborhood meeting, get to know your neighbors, ask them to prep as well. You dont want them asking you for food when your stocks are running down too. Find out who is military and think about neighborhood security. If there are elderly get their contact info so you can check up on them later if the shit hits the fan.
Watch the movie Contagion to get an idea of worse case scenarios. This movie was based on information giving to them by virus and disease experts and crisis management experts. They did a pretty good job with the movie and it could very well happen to be that bad. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst!
(Old Spike)
might wanna add masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, goggles, air filters & anti-bacterial detergents to your shopping list.... don't forget to fight the virus when you're battling the zombie hordes.
(Old Spike)
I would reccomend ditch the cold and flue medicines. Anything that relieves symptoms could make your illness worse.
Symptoms are not the ROOT sickness, they are your bodies way of fighting it. Don't suppress them. If you bought a bunch, I'd take them back and get more water and food.
Antibiotics are good if you develope a different infection, such as a wound. But they wont kill a virus. Do keep in mind that they expire after about a year.
Also. Bochilism can only survive in areas with zero oxygen. Such as food stored in oil. Anything stored with water will have different issues. I don't know MUCH more about it than that, but that is a staple of food safety. I'm not convinced pressure cookers will kill it. I wouldn't risk it. What I do know is about Mushrooms stored in oil. They have to be SPOTLESS. NOT ONE FRAGMENT OF DIRT can exist with them, or they could breed the bacteria.
Consider this next part carefully, as to not get paranoid, but be careful who you tell that about your prep in your community. Take stock of the people you know. Those who are bad friends, low lives or toxic now, could turn against you if things get bad. You don't need them coming to your door with a horde of desperate people to raid your prep. Only trust those you KNOW are like minded and would have your back through thick and thin.
Having guns is good, but please don't romantisize the idea that your gear and ammo will make you invincible. It's better not to draw attention in the first place, than deal with a bunch of raiders or a desperate horde. If you HAVE to protect your family... After it's over you need to leave right away. More will come if they think your territory has something worth protecting like a gold mine of supplies.
Don't barter with anyone that comes knocking unless you KNOW them like your brother. As soon as you hand something out, they'll be back, and maybe with more.
Also, on water, 5-10 gallons isn't enough. 1 gallon per day per person.
I would also throw in water purification tablets to the list. LOTS. They can last up to 5 years.
I'm going to post an old prep video that presents a big problem, without solutions. The guy didn't provide the solutions so he could keep his own plan private. But I think it's an important thing to consider and our community of smart people can start working out ideas here. It's important to watch the whole thing, because he will tell you about ways you can be detected that you may not have considered. Stay tuned.
Finally to end this mini novel. The chances of the apocalypse happening is IMMENSELY small. What your looking at is a few weeks to a couple of monthes of instability. So don't take the list of videos below as a WORLD IS ENDING WE SHOULD HAVE LISTENED! Type of discussion. Just stuff to keep in mind from a mini blackout or disruption of services, To POTENTIAL, long term survival.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
china has changed the definition of infected 6 times. 2 of them were within 24 hours and WHO says its not a pandemic but risk is "very high". i'm sure there still a "very very high" and a "very very very high" before they go pandemic