The china they don't want you to see

sal9000's picture

The China they DON'T want you to SEE!

dog meat market and the worst public bathrooms

Average: 4.3 (18 votes)


boldfart's picture

But the good Lord made them from meat!

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lawngnome's picture

2 driveby 1 stars for you too.   Hmmmm

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras
monkeymania's picture


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lawngnome's picture

This video isn't on the front page anymore, btw.      It's like it was hidden.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Fix the title

"The video Danman doesn't want you to see"


Edit: naw, it's still there. The sites just broken.

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sato's picture

video taken in china of actual chinese. i bet somehow this is all "misinformation" for a variety of "reasons".

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danmanjones's picture

Yeah I can tell by the youtube account this is straight up raw & unbiased information, not misleading in any way....I haven't actually watched it but just out of curiosity, who is "they" and when did "they" say they don't want you to see this?

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monkeymania's picture
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Ziggy's picture

Jesus H AntiChrist...

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