Worst deal in history?


lawngnome's picture





Population of USA  -  329,542,246


Population of South Korea  -  51,260,674





TLDResearch?    -   USA has 6.25 times the amount of people, spead across 98.6 times the land.





Dude talks like a late night talk show host btw.



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stokkebye's picture

Thunderfoot is one of the best youtubers out there, he debunks scam products and call them out, he also has a PHD in chemistry or something like that. I've been subscribed to his channel for years now.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

your . ?


Your comment just shows your complete and utter ignorance on the topic and the mechanics of how this virus spreads.

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lawngnome's picture

This isn't a normal virus, this is a engineered and weaponized chrimeran virus that's amplified by 5g. And it is not even the major one the chicoms and NWO want to use.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

America is paying 3000 dollar a week for nurses from all over the world

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stokkebye's picture

It was a money grab for all the lobbyist!

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GKhan's picture

His estimates on deaths are under played. Look at Sweden (doing nothing) rollwing window death rate, they had 6830 infected 2 weeks ago and 1580 dead today, so estimate 23% death rate. Even if we go with the USA's current rolling window (41K deaths/338K infected two weeks ago) of 12%, that's 40 million americans, about $50K per person.

But the impact is not just per person, it's more like the loss today and everyday thereafter...


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well I believe sweden changed their approach.

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GKhan's picture

I hope so.

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danmanjones's picture

the freedom in america has little to do with the stupidity of believing in hoaxes like jesus' resurrection or social distancing = communism

there are countries that are more free & yet don't have that same level of ignorance, & the bummer is american culture spreads around the world ... like a virus 

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danmanjones's picture

lol not sure why I wrote such a salty comment, it barely makes sense. All I can say is watch out when I wake up in the morning, I'm a dark horse. Bloody idiot lol

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monkeymania's picture

CCP ≠ a virus



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danmanjones's picture

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monkeymania's picture

Real life writes its own stories.


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danmanjones's picture

then why resort to childish memes?


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monkeymania's picture

childish memes?....a loss of mental clarity perhaps.


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danmanjones's picture

I wasn't pontificating about 'real life' here. Yeah it's childish. Absolutely.


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monkeymania's picture

Dinmin, you are the CCP/Trumptard strength we need right now. So much truth. So much reality. Special.




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danmanjones's picture

aw thx monkey


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Oh boy, the chinatards are at it again.

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monkeymania's picture
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