TLDResearch? - USA has 6.25 times the amount of people, spead across 98.6 times the land.
Dude talks like a late night talk show host btw.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Thunderfoot is one of the best youtubers out there, he debunks scam products and call them out, he also has a PHD in chemistry or something like that. I've been subscribed to his channel for years now.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
your . ?
Your comment just shows your complete and utter ignorance on the topic and the mechanics of how this virus spreads.
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
This isn't a normal virus, this is a engineered and weaponized chrimeran virus that's amplified by 5g. And it is not even the major one the chicoms and NWO want to use.
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Dude (Old Spike)
America is paying 3000 dollar a week for nurses from all over the world
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
It was a money grab for all the lobbyist!
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GKhan (Old Spike)
His estimates on deaths are under played. Look at Sweden (doing nothing) rollwing window death rate, they had 6830 infected 2 weeks ago and 1580 dead today, so estimate 23% death rate. Even if we go with the USA's current rolling window (41K deaths/338K infected two weeks ago) of 12%, that's 40 million americans, about $50K per person.
But the impact is not just per person, it's more like the loss today and everyday thereafter...
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Well I believe sweden changed their approach.
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GKhan (Old Spike)
I hope so.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
the freedom in america has little to do with the stupidity of believing in hoaxes like jesus' resurrection or social distancing = communism
there are countries that are more free & yet don't have that same level of ignorance, & the bummer is american culture spreads around the world ... like a virus
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
lol not sure why I wrote such a salty comment, it barely makes sense. All I can say is watch out when I wake up in the morning, I'm a dark horse. Bloody idiot lol
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
CCP ≠ a virus
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
Real life writes its own stories.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
then why resort to childish memes?
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
childish memes?....a loss of mental clarity perhaps.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
I wasn't pontificating about 'real life' here. Yeah it's childish. Absolutely.
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
Dinmin, you are the CCP/Trumptard strength we need right now. So much truth. So much reality. Special.
(Long Spike)
Population of USA - 329,542,246
Population of South Korea - 51,260,674
TLDResearch? - USA has 6.25 times the amount of people, spead across 98.6 times the land.
Dude talks like a late night talk show host btw.
(sounds retarded)
Thunderfoot is one of the best youtubers out there, he debunks scam products and call them out, he also has a PHD in chemistry or something like that. I've been subscribed to his channel for years now.
(Old Spike)
your . ?
Your comment just shows your complete and utter ignorance on the topic and the mechanics of how this virus spreads.
(Long Spike)
This isn't a normal virus, this is a engineered and weaponized chrimeran virus that's amplified by 5g. And it is not even the major one the chicoms and NWO want to use.
(Old Spike)
America is paying 3000 dollar a week for nurses from all over the world
(sounds retarded)
It was a money grab for all the lobbyist!
(Old Spike)
His estimates on deaths are under played. Look at Sweden (doing nothing) rollwing window death rate, they had 6830 infected 2 weeks ago and 1580 dead today, so estimate 23% death rate. Even if we go with the USA's current rolling window (41K deaths/338K infected two weeks ago) of 12%, that's 40 million americans, about $50K per person.
But the impact is not just per person, it's more like the loss today and everyday thereafter...
(Old Spike)
Well I believe sweden changed their approach.
(Old Spike)
I hope so.
(Old Spike)
the freedom in america has little to do with the stupidity of believing in hoaxes like jesus' resurrection or social distancing = communism
there are countries that are more free & yet don't have that same level of ignorance, & the bummer is american culture spreads around the world ... like a virus
(Old Spike)
lol not sure why I wrote such a salty comment, it barely makes sense. All I can say is watch out when I wake up in the morning, I'm a dark horse. Bloody idiot lol

(Long Spike)
CCP ≠ a virus
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
Real life writes its own stories.
(Old Spike)
then why resort to childish memes?
(Long Spike)
childish memes?....a loss of mental clarity perhaps.
(Old Spike)
I wasn't pontificating about 'real life' here. Yeah it's childish. Absolutely.
(Long Spike)
Dinmin, you are the CCP/Trumptard strength we need right now. So much truth. So much reality. Special.
(Old Spike)
aw thx monkey
(Old Spike)
Oh boy, the chinatards are at it again.
(Long Spike)