Canadians in Chinatown


Althos's picture

I can't help but keep thinking if everyone just stopped and picked up the piece of trash in front of them, the whole street would be clean in under 15 seconds.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

nobody wants to pick someone else's shitrag of the ground, even if they double glove it.


its more the people than the trash, clean it up. it will be there tomorow. same goes for toronto's chinatown. they've been trying to clean it up for atleast the last 12 years. but every year people complain about the smell, the garbage and the rats.

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lawngnome's picture

Fuck it, I'm moving to the mountains and shooting anybody that steps on my property.  


The whole thing failed, we need to go back to gulags and sanitoriums.



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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

Normally it’s busier than this ...

he should have filmed it on “ market day “ or welfare day . 

and yes the smells are incredible!!

It’s bad but fairly safe as far as mugging ... biggest danger is stepping on a needle. 


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Nihil Dicit's picture

Still cleaner than the Tenderloin in San Fran.

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